Setting Table of Contents Text

In the Book Editor, the information under the "Display Text" column shows the text for each artifact entry in the table of contents. The default text in the table of contents is the artifact name or, in the case of a member, the member name. For example, if the artifact in the book is a report, the report name is shown. If the artifact in the book is an external file (for example, a Microsoft Word document), the file name from the repository is shown.

A panel at the bottom of the Book Editor displays the default properties of the book and enables you to change an artifact's textual and processing settings for the table of contents. For example, you can change the selected artifact name to the artifact's to customized text, or you can choose to not display any text for the selected artifact. Other properties are read-only.

To set the table of contents text for an artifact:

  1. From the Explore Repository, right-click a book and select Open In, then Editor.
  2. In the Book Editor, highlight an artifact and scroll to the bottom panel. You can edit the following:
    • Display—From the drop-down, if you want the artifact to display in the table of contents, select by Name (artifact name), Description (as it exists in the repository), or Custom Text. To hide the text, select Do Not Display.

      If you select Custom Text, the Display Text field is enabled so you can enter text.

      You can include a Value function in the Custom Text to insert a member label of a dimension as follows:


      For example: <<Value(Product)>> or <<Value(Year)>>

      Using the Value function, the book designer can create a cleaner, more streamlined table of contents. For example, the book can contain two reports that are run for the children of Qtr1. In Custom Text, you can include a <<Value(Year)>> function, and then hide the member selections.

      In the following example, "Period" and "Year" are added to the Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet reports:

      Profit and Loss for <<Value(Period)>> <<Value(Year)>> and Balance Sheet for <<Value(Period)>> <<Value(Year)>>

      This changes the appearance of the table of contents from this:

      Custom Text on one line and Period and Year indented on following lines.

      to this:

      Custom Text and Period and Year on one line (not indented)
    • Display Text—Type the custom text.

    • Include Related Content in HTML Table of Contents—Available when you select a report in the Book Editor.

    • For processing behavior with FRExecute and hyperlinks, see Processing Behavior of Hyperlinks and FRExecute.

    • Member Selection—Available when you select a member in the Book Editor. To change the member for the Point of View, click the entry field to display the Preview User Point of View dialog box, select a member, and then click OK.