Available Configuration Settings

Table A-1 Configuration Settings

Setting Description Values
AllowOverlappingConsolidationOverride Whether to allow users to run overlapping consolidation processes.

0 - Do not allow users to run overlapping consolidations. A user cannot start a new consolidation process if there is one currently running and overlapping.

1 - Allow users to run overlapping consolidations. If another consolidation process is currently running and overlapping, the system displays a warning message asking whether to start a new consolidation.

Default value: 1

AutoClearDeadTasks Whether to automatically clear completed tasks from the system

0 - Leave completed tasks in the system

1 - Clear completed tasks from the system

Default value: 1

AutoClearEAFlatfileTasksAfterSeconds Number of seconds for the system to wait before automatically clearing an Extract Data task from Running Tasks and deleting the file from the Application Server

Range: 600 seconds (10 minutes) - 864,000 seconds (10 days)

Default value: 86,400 seconds

BRCRowFetchSize Row fetch size for every iteration of the table. Used only for LCM application snapshot export.

Range: 1000 to 100000 rows

Default value: 5000

BRCThreadPoolCount Thread pool size – Number of threads used for processing the LCM application snapshot import and export

Range: 10 to 100 threads

Default value: 15


If the maximum number of concurrent calculations are running and a user launches a new calculation, the system will wait until the timeout and log a message in the system log about the timeout with the POV details.

If the maximum number of concurrent calculations are running and ConcurrentCalculationWaitTimeInSecond = -1, and a user launches a new calculation, then the system will wait infinitely until one of the calculations finishes.

This setting can be changed by an administrator per application per server, but it cannot be set lower than 15 seconds.

Default value: 30 seconds

ConsolidationMultiThreadingScheme Used for multiple settings related to how the consolidation process is run. Each setting can be enabled or disabled without affecting the other settings.

You can choose more than one option and set the parameter to the sum of the chosen options. For example, to use options 2 and 4, set the value to 6. A value of 0 represents the legacy consolidation behavior with limited multi-threading where none of the three options are enabled. This setting can be overridden at the server and/or application level.

Valid values:

1 - Allows the consolidation process to calculate and translate all children entities up to the [Parent] value before the numbers are consolidated into the parent entity.

2 - Allows the consolidation process to multi-thread parent-level entities, greatly improving the performance on large consolidations.

4 - Skips the initial calculation on all base-level entities. Those entities are calculated as needed when processing their parent entities.

8 - Allows the consolidation process to consolidate only impacted children from the last failure during Consolidate All and Consolidate All with Data

Default value: 2

DataSize Fetch size for table components

Range: 25 - 2,000

Default value: 500

DefaultAdminPage Default opening page for Consolidation Administration

Valid values: Any of these pages: System Messages, Applications, System Settings, System Users, System Manage, Task Audit, Data Audit, Manage Task Flows, Task Flow Status, Configure DSN

Default value: System Messages

DefaultColFetchSize Default column fetch size on Data forms and Data grids

Range: 25 - 2,000

Default value: 50

DefaultRowFetchSize Default row fetch size on Data forms and Data grids

Range: 25 - 2,000

Default value: 250


Determines when applications are started and shut down.

This setting can be set globally or overridden at the application and server level or both.

0 - Application is started on demand, when the first user tries to open the application. Application shuts down after the last user logs off the application. This setting is useful to keep applications up only when necessary. Applications used for archiving do not need to be up all the time.

1 - Application is started on the Java Server startup. Application continues to stay up even after the last user logs off the system. This setting is useful to keep the application up all the time so users do not have long wait times when opening applications.

2 - Application is started on demand. Application continues to stay up even after the last user logs off the system.

Default value: 0


Whether to enable rules logging. Used for debugging purposes to isolate rules issues.

0 - Disable logging

1 - Enable logging

Default value: 0


Enable rules profiling. You can override the value at Application level or globally.

0 - Disable rules profiling

1 - Enable rules profiling

Default value: 0

EnableRunningTasksMaskUserNames Whether to mask user names in Running Tasks when viewed by users other than administrators

0 - Disable masking of user names

1 - Enable masking of user names

Default value: 0


When running an Intercompany Matching System Report that requires currency translations, translated values are written to the database by default. This can lead to longer running reports and a significant increase in database size. This setting allows for control over how translated values are handled.

Translation mode = 0 (perform sub translate and store data)

Translation mode = 1 (perform sub translate and do not store data)

Translation mode = 2 (perform on-the-fly translation using the default translation, do not perform sub translate, and do not store data)

0 - Use existing translation logic. Uses Sub Translate in rules and commits changes to the database.

1 - On the fly, use rules. Uses Sub Translate in rules, but no translated values are written to the database. Note: Parent entities in CN status are also translated.

2 - On the fly, use default translation. Executes only default translation (no Sub Translate). No changes are written to the database. Note: Parent entities in CN status are not translated.

Default value: 0

MaxDataCacheSizeInMB Maximum memory in MB that the application server allocates to store the cell

Range: The value should be greater than or equal to 500.

Default value: 4,500

MaxFileSelectionOnLoad Maximum number of files that can be selected in multiple file selection control

Value must be greater than or equal to 1.

Default value: 10


Maximum number of concurrent calculations allowed per server per application. This setting can be changed by the administrator per application per server.

Default value: 8


Maximum number of concurrent consolidations allowed per server per application. Any consolidations performed above the set value are queued as Scheduled Consolidations. This setting can be set globally or overridden at the server of application level.

Range: No hard limit on range. Value must be a positive number.

Default value: 8


Maximum number of concurrent consolidations allowed per user action. Any consolidations performed above the set value are queued as Scheduled Consolidations.

Default value: 8

MaxNumCubesInRAM Maximum number of subcubes for FreeLRU algorithm

Range: The value should be greater than or equal to 100.

Default value: 60,000

MaxNumDataRecordsInRAM Maximum number of data records for the system to store in RAM

Range: No hard limit on range. Value must be a positive number.

Default value: 30,000,000

MaxNumRetriesOfBaseLevelCalculation Maximum times the consolidation process retries the calculation on base-level entities.

This setting allows you to repeat the calculation of base-level entities multiple times during a consolidation process up to the specified amount of retries, or until the status of those entities become OK.

It is used if the HS.ImpactStatus function in a rule running on one base-level entity impacts another entity that was already calculated, and the top entity status is not OK.

Example: California and Connecticut are base-level entities that roll up to the USA parent entity. During the calculation of USA, if you use HS.ImpactStatus in SubCalculate, the Connecticut entity is impacted. After running consolidation, the status for the USA parent entity is not OK due to changes in the Connecticut descendant. If this setting is set to 2, the system retries the calculation process twice. On the second calculation try, California is OK, Connecticut is calculated and rolled up to USA, and the USA entity status is OK. If there are 3 or 4 levels of dependency, you can adjust the setting to retry as many times as needed.

Range: 1-4

Default value: 0

MinDataCacheSizeInMB Minimum data cache size in MB. By setting this value at a higher number, you can reduce the number of Data Cache growth attempts by the system and reduce memory fragmentation. Typically data cache is increased on a per-need basis, and increases 25 MB maximum at a time.

Range: 100-5,000

Default value: 2,250

NumConsolidationThreads Maximum consolidation threads allowed per consolidation. Reducing the value limits system use of resources, causing slower consolidation performance. There should be the same number of CPU cores available for Oracle Hyperion Financial Management on the system.

Range: No hard limit on range. Value should be greater than or equal to 1.

Default value: 8

NumCubesLoadedBeforeCheckingLRU The number of cubes that must be loaded in RAM to trigger the FreeLRU algorithm. FreeLRU is triggered when either of the two conditions is met: NumMinutesBeforeCheckingLRU is met, or NumCubesLoadedBeforeCheckingLRU is reached.

Range: No hard limit on range. Value must be a positive number.

Default value: 100


Maximum concurrent data load tasks allowed per server, per application. This setting can be set globally or overridden at the server of application level.

Range: No hard limit on range. Value must be a positive number.

Default value: 8


Maximum concurrent Extract Data tasks allowed per server, per application. This setting can be set globally or overridden at the server of application level.

Range: No hard limit on range. Value must be a positive number.

Default value: 8


Number of threads per data extract

Range: No hard limit on range. Value must be a positive number.

Default value: 8


Interval in minutes for checking limits of FreeLRU algorithm

The value should be greater than or equal to 1.

Default value: 15


Maximum concurrent report tasks allowed per report type, per server, per application.

Default value: 8

NumThreadsToUseWhenUpdatingCalcStatusSystemWasChanged Number of threads to use when updating Calculation Status after a metadata load

The value should be greater than or equal to 1.

Default value: 16

SessionManagerTimeoutInMS Timeout limit used by session manager in Financial Management, in milliseconds

The value should be greater than or equal to 60,000.

Default value: 1,200,000

OverrideUserFetchSizeWhenOpening Whether to override the fetch sizes for all users on data forms and data grids

0 - Do not override fetch sizes for all users

1 - Override fetch sizes for all users

Default value: 0

WebformDoCalculateOnSubmit Whether to automatically calculate after submitting the data when user clicks Submit Data on a Data form.

0 - Do not automatically calculate

1 - Automatically calculate

Default value: 0