Changing Configuration Settings

To change a setting, you must have Administrator security rights. For system-owned settings, you cannot change any other column than the value.

You can use the Notes column to enter comments; for example, why the value was changed. You can view any existing notes for settings by hovering over the Notes icon for a row.

When a setting is modified, the Settings table is updated to display the name of the user who modified it and the date and time that it was modified.

Settings displayed in blue indicate that a user-modifiable setting doesn't match the default value, and the value has been updated.

To change a configuration setting:

  1. Select Navigate, then Administer, and then Consolidation Administration.
  2. From Admin Tasks, expand System, and then click Settings.
  3. From the Settings table, change the value for a setting.


    To reset to the original values, click Reset, and from the confirmation prompt, click Yes.

  4. Optional: To enter a comment, click the Notes icon for the row, enter a comment, and then click OK.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Refresh to display the changes.