Header Section

This file section contains the scenario, year, and period information. The journal type header information and corresponding detail lines follow the Header section. This organizes journal information according to a specific scenario, year, and period. You can specify multiple Header sections in the journal file.

This syntax specifies the scenario, year, and period:

!YEAR = 2014
!PERIOD = January

The Header section is followed by journal detail information for Actual, January, 2014.

The Journal subsection of the Header section provides journal detail information for the specified Scenario, Period, and Year.

Table 6-1 describes the attributes that are used in the Journal subsection. These attributes are used for regular journals and recurring and standard templates.

Table 6-1 Journal Attribute Descriptions

Attribute Value


User-defined label for journal, 20 characters maximum

<balancing attribute>

  • U = unbalanced

  • B = balanced in total

  • E = balanced by entity


  • R = regular journals

  • A = auto-reversing journals

  • V = auto-reversal journal

    You cannot load system-generated auto reversals, but you can extract them.


  • W = Working

  • S = Submitted

  • A = Approved

  • P = Posted

  • R = Rejected

<value dimension>

  • [Contribution Adjs]

  • [Parent Adjs]

  • <Entity Curr Adjs>

  • <Parent Curr Adjs>

<journal group>

Optional: User-defined parameter, 30 characters maximum

Groups must be preloaded.

<security class>

Optional: Valid security class that is associated with the journal

If you do not assign a security class, the journal assumes the Default security class. Only users who have access rights to this security class can access the journal.


Optional: Valid parent/entity pair that is used by all the line items in the journal. When you specify a single parent/entity pair for the entire journal, the parent.entity attribute is not used.

<journal description>

Journal description, which can contain up to 255 characters. You can load descriptions with multiple lines, provided each line starts with this syntax: !DESC=


Valid member of the Entity dimension. The parent is required only for the Contribution Adjs, Parent Adjs, and ParentCurrency Adjs members of the Value dimension. This attribute is used only if the Single Parent.Single Entity attribute is not used.


Valid member of the Account dimension. For regular journals, this must be an input account and the account type must be REVENUE, EXPENSE, ASSET, LIABILITY, FLOW, or BALANCE.


Optional: Valid member of the Intercompany Partner dimension. This attribute is optional; however, you must at least specify ICP None.


Optional: Valid members of the Custom dimensions

<amount type>

  • D = debit

  • C = credit


Positive amount regardless if the amount type is debit or credit

<line item description>

Optional: Description of the specific journal detail, which can contain up to 50 characters

This syntax specifies a regular journal:

!JOURNAL = <label>, <balancing attribute>, <type>, <status>, <value dimension>, <journal group>, <SecurityClass>, <SingleParent.SingleEntity>
!DESC=<journal description>
<parent.entity>, <account>, <ICP>, <CustomDimensionName>, <amount type>, <amount>, <line item desc>