Assigning Submission Groups to Phases

You can assign submission groups to each submission phase. The assignment applies only to the scenario that supports process management. If a group is not specified, process management is not applied to the dimensional members within that group.

To assign process management submission groups, you must be an Application Administrator or Review Supervisor.

You assign submission groups to phases by Scenario and Period. You can enter one or more groups for a submission phase and use a comma as a separator for multiple groups assignment (for example, 1, 5, 6, 8, 9). You can specify a range of groups. For example, to assign groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 to a submission phase, you can specify 1-5, 7-8. If you enter one or more groups in a range using commas, when you submit and refresh the data, the system displays the groups that are in a range (for example, 1, 2, 3, 4 displays as 1-4).

Valid groups are 1 to 99. The default for Submission Phase 1 is the keyword ALL to indicate all groups. All groups belong to Submission Phase 1 until you change their assignment.

You cannot assign the same group to multiple phases in the same period. For example, you cannot specify Groups 2 through 5 for Phase 1, and Groups 3 and 8 for Phase 2, because Group 3 cannot be assigned to both Phase 1 and Phase 2. A submission group can only be assigned to one phase in the same period. An error message displays if you try to assign a submission group to a phase with one already assigned. If you move all groups out of a submission phase into a different submission phase, the original phase is cleared entirely from the system for the specified scenario and period.

You can skip a submission phase assignment. For example, you can assign groups to submission Phases 1 and 3 without assigning groups to Phase 2. Any groups that are not assigned to a submission phase are not considered part of the review process. Those dimensional members are available to all users with the appropriate security class access without the need to check for review level security. Unassigned cells do not need to be started for process management before you can enter data.

To assign submission groups for submission phases:

  1. Select Consolidation, then Data, and then Submission Phases.

    By default, all phases are displayed. From the Options pane on the right, you can clear phases that you want to hide.

  2. To change the scenario, click the Scenario dimension in the POV, select a scenario, and click OK.
  3. In each phase column, enter the groups for that submission phase and press Enter.
    • To enter multiple groups, use a comma as a separator.

    • To specify a range of groups, use a dash as a separator.

    • To indicate all groups, specify ALL.

  4. Click Submit or select Actions, and then Submit to save the data.
  5. click Refresh, or select Actions, and then Refresh to refresh the database.