Modifying Applications

After you create an application, modifications to the Application Profile are generally not allowed. However, an administrator can change these settings:

You can modify the number of years the application supports, with these limitations:

  • The new profile end year should exceed the current end year. You can only increase the number of years; decreasing the number is not supported.

  • The new end year must be less than 2100.

  • You cannot modify the application profile Start Year.


Current start year: 2005
Current number of years: 10 (End year 2015)
Request for modification: 15 (End year 2020)

Before the application profile end year can be processed, the system sets the application into Admin Mode. The current application process is stopped and all users logged into the application are forcefully logged out.

To modify an application:

  1. Select Navigate, then Administer, and then Consolidation Administration.
  2. From the Applications tab, select an application to modify.
  3. Click Modify Application, or select Actions, and then Modify Application, or right-click on an application and select Modify Application.

    Note that most of the Application Properties are grayed out.

  4. To change the Number of Years, enter the number of years for the application.
  5. Click Modify Application.

The system displays a warning message before processing the modified application. If you click Yes, it sets the application to Admin Mode, and validates the number of years. If there are no validation errors, it updates the Year dimension, and then disables the Admin Mode.