Entering Currency Rates

Currency rates are used during translation and consolidation. You maintain currency rates for each application by entering the data to the currency members manually in the data grid or by loading the rates from an ASCII file. See Loading Data.

For each application currency, the From Currency and To Currency dimensions contain system-defined currency members. You must input currency rates to accounts that have the Currencyrate account type.

You translate currency rates in the From Currency dimension to the currency in the To Currency dimension.

You enter currency rates in data grids using these point of view grid settings:

  • Row Dimension = From Currency

  • Column Dimension = To Currency

  • Row List and Column List = Member lists that you created containing the application currencies, or the Currencies system list

Table 5-1 Point of View for Currency Rates

Dimension Description


Scenario to which the currency rate is applied


Year to which the currency rate is applied


Period to which the currency rate is applied




Entity to which the currency rate is applied, or None

If None, the system uses the default currency rate.


Entity Currency


Account you create to contain currency rates.

Account type must be "currencyrate," which you specify in the metadata load file.

Intercompany Partner

ICP None

From Currency

Source currency

Select the Currencies system member list.

To Currency

Destination currency

Select the Currencies system member list.