Translating Data

Currency translation converts account data from one currency to another. You can translate data from the entity's input currency to any other currency that has been defined in the application, either during the consolidation process or separately. When you consolidate data, currency translation occurs if the parent entity has a different default currency than the child entities. Data in the Entity Currency Total member of the child is translated to the parent's currency, and the result is stored in the child currency member. You may need to translate to currencies other than the parent currency. The Value dimension contains members for all application currencies.

Launching translation runs the default translation rules for the specified scenario, year, period, entity, and value. As a part of the process, translation rules for all prior time periods within the same year are also run, if translation for those periods is required (TR status). Because translation rules do not cause dependent entities to be consolidated, they do not remove the status that indicates that a cell needs consolidation (CN status). Even if the data for the entity's default currency is not current, translation uses that data to derive the input accounts for the specified currency (Value dimension). Subsequently, the translation rules automatically launch the calculation process so that the calculated accounts are populated for the specified currency.

After you have entered currency rates for the application, you can translate the currency for an entity to any application currency in the Value dimension.

You translate data and view translation status from data grids or from the Process Control panel. See Viewing Calculation Status.

After you translate data, the Translate Data menu command is disabled. If you load new data, the Translate Data menu option is reenabled. If the Translate Data menu option is not enabled but you need to run the translation process, you can use the Force Translate menu command.

To translate data:

  1. Open a data grid and select the point of view.
  2. Select a cell for which to run translation rules.
  3. Right-click and take one of these actions:
    • To translate the selected cells, select Translate.


      Translation is run for all cells in the current scenario, year, period, entity, and value.

    • To force translation to run for all selected cells, select Force Translate.