Adding Line Item Detail

Line item detail enables you to collect detailed information about accounts. For example, you might have an account for travel expenses and want to show the amount details by type of expense, such as gas, tolls, or parking. To enter the information for the travel expense, you first enter the amount for each line item detail. After you save the detail, the system calculates the total amount for the travel expense account.

In a data grid, you can add line item detail for valid intersections of base-level accounts and scenarios for which line item detail and the UsesLineItems member attribute are enabled. After you enter the line item detail for the cell, a red triangle is displayed to indicate that there is line item detail associated with the cell.

You can enter line item detail only in the base frequency defined for the scenario. For example, if the scenario is Monthly, you cannot enter line item detail in “Quarter1.”

Line item detail applies only to the Entity Currency Value member, or to the default currency.


Line item detail cannot contain single quotation marks (‘), and the maximum length for the description is 80 characters.

To add line item detail:

  1. Open a data grid.
  2. Select the cell for which to add line item detail.
  3. Right-click and select Cell Line Item Detail.
  4. Click Add Row.
  5. Enter a Description and Value for the line item detail.
  6. Enter line items, and press Enter or select a different cell to see the change.


    To clear line item detail, enter zero as the value to clear the amount.

  7. Click OK to save the line items.
  8. Click Close.