Viewing Line Item Detail

You can view line item detail in both YTD and Periodic views, but only in the base frequency defined for the scenario. For example, if the scenario is Monthly and you are in the Quarterly view, you can view the description of the line item detail but not the amounts. Cells that contain line item detail are indicated by a red triangle at the top of the cell.

You can only verify that the Total amount matches the sum of the line item data when you view line item detail in the default view of the scenario. If you view data in another view, the Total amount and the line item detail will not match for any subsequent periods other than the first period.

To view line item detail:

  1. Open a data grid.
  2. Select the cell for which to view line item detail.
  3. Right-click and select Cell Line Item Detail.
  4. View the cell’s line item detail.
  5. Click OK.