Using Data Cell Colors to Determine Status

Cell colors in data grids indicate additional information about the data. A legend explaining the colors is displayed at the bottom of data grids. Cell colors can indicate different statuses depending on the selected cell option, for example, Data, Calculation Status, or Process Control. The following table shows the default cell colors in data grids. You cannot edit the default cell colors.

Table 4-1 Default Data Cell Colors

Cell Color Indication

Light yellow

Changed - indicates one of these conditions:

  • Data in the cells has been modified but has not yet been saved.

  • The input status is OK, but the status of the adjustment is not OK (CH, CN or TRN). If the status is CN for node level adjustments, you must run Force Calculate Contribution to clear up the adjustment member status.

Dark yellow

Impacted (displayed for Process Control and Calculation Status). Indicates that the underlying data has changed. You should run translation or consolidation.


Input - this is an input cell. You can manually enter or edit data.


Invalid - the cell point of view is an invalid combination of dimension members. You cannot enter data in invalid cells.


Locked - the cell is locked, and you cannot modify the cell data.


OK - Data has not changed since the last calculation, translation, or consolidation process.

Light green

No data - no data exists for the cell.

Light green

ProRata - You may enter data at a summary-level time period and distribute it across base-level time periods based on existing data.

Dark green

View Only. Data is view-only and cannot be modified.

Blue indicator

Cell Text - the cell contains one or more cell text descriptions.

Red indicator

Line Items - the cell contains line item detail.

Green indicator

Is Drillable - Data was loaded from a source system and you can drill through from the cell to the source.

You cannot perform any actions on cells in invalid dimension intersections. Invalid dimension intersections do not accept data entry because the Top parent’s detail members are not used, or restrictions are set for those dimensions. You can set up restrictions for dimensions when you set up members in the metadata file. For example, if you set up the Sales account in the metadata file to accept data entry by customer, the intersection of Sales and None for the Custom dimension is an invalid intersection for data entry.

To determine the data status, you must check both the calculation status and the process level of the data. See Viewing Calculation Status and Viewing Process Level.