Enabling Multibyte Language Date and Time Formats

Oracle Hyperion Financial Management date and time formatting is based on the browser’s language setting, not on the Regional Settings.

If you use multibyte or right-to-left languages, system files for those languages must be installed. If they are not installed, you may see an error message that “The specified LCID is not available” when you open an application.


The system language files should be installed on both the browser machine and the Web server, if they are different.

To check if the system files are installed:

  1. From the Control Panel, select Regional and Language Options and select the Languages tab.
  2. In the Supplemental Language support section, make sure these options are selected:
    • Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages (including Thai)

    • Install files for East Asian (multibyte) languages

  3. If the required type is not checked, select it and click Apply. The system files will be installed. You may then need to reboot your machine.