Setting User Preferences

When you use Oracle Hyperion Financial Management, you set user preferences through the Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace.

To set user preferences:

  1. From the Workspace, select File, then Preferences, and then Consolidation.
  2. From the list of applications, select an application.


    The system display your current settings. The system populates the list of applications and the cluster based on the Web Server and cluster that you used at logon.

  3. Optional: To change the server cluster, from the drop-down list, select a cluster.
  4. From Default Language for Descriptions, select the language to use for descriptions.


    The languages are listed in alphabetical order.

  5. For Decimal Character, enter one character to use for a decimal.
  6. For Thousands Separator Character, enter one character to use to separate thousands.
  7. Optional: Select Save all files in Unicode format.
  8. Optional: To set the application to open with Document Manager, select Use Document Manager as the default page.
  9. To save your preferences, click Save.

    The preferences are saved to the database for the current application.


    To reset the settings to the default values, click Reset.

  10. Click OK.
  11. Log off, and log on again for the changes to take effect.