Generating Adjustments for Transaction Differences

After you perform the matching process, some transactions may have a status of Mismatched. This could be due to several reasons, for example, a mistake in recording, a difference in the currency rate for translations, or the timing of the recording of the transaction. In this case, you might need to generate an adjustment entry to adjust for the difference. You can make the adjustment at the transaction level or at the account balance level.

Adjusting Data at the Transaction Level

To adjust an intercompany transaction at the transaction level before it is posted to the database, you can enter a new transaction with the same transaction ID but with a different transaction sub ID to identify it (for example, SubID=Adjustment 1). During the posting process, the system accumulates all of the transactions with the same transaction ID and uses the total amount to post to the account. Using this method, the adjustment is included in the posting to the account balance in the entity currency.

Adjusting Data at the Account Balance Level

To make adjustments at the account balance level, you can make the adjustment as a journal entry and post the adjustment amount to the Entity Currency Adjs Value dimension. The system processes the adjustment similar to other journal adjustments and is reflected in the account balance in Entity Currency Total.