Loading Intercompany Transactions

You can load intercompany transactions from external ASCII files. To load intercompany transactions, you must be assigned the Intercompany Transaction User or Administrator role. In addition, the Intercompany Transaction Administrator must have opened the period for the transactions. See the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management Administrator's Guide.

Oracle recommends that you add Oracle Hyperion Financial Management to the exceptions for your Web pop-up blocker. When you perform some tasks such as loading data, a status window pops up showing the task status. If you have a pop-up blocker enabled on your computer, the status window is not displayed.

When you load intercompany transactions, a progress bar is displayed with the progress percentage, status, and last update time. You can also view the progress from the Running Tasks module.

To load intercompany transactions:

  1. Select Consolidation, then Load, and then IC Transactions.
  2. From Default Load Options, for Delimiter, select the character to use as the delimiter during the load process.
  3. From Load Mode, select an option:
    • Merge to merge the transactions

    • Replace to replace the transactions

  4. Enter the file name or names to load, or click Browse to locate the file.
  5. To scan the file before loading, click Scan.
  6. Optional: To load additional files, click Add and select to add 1, 5, or 10 rows.
  7. Click Load.

    If you reload existing files, the system displays a warning prompt asking if you want to use them again. If you do, click Yes.

    The scan and load status for each file is displayed in a new page.