Intercompany Transaction Load Methods

When you load intercompany transactions, you can select to merge or replace the transactions.


Select this option to update the records with the new changes and create any new records. The system does not update any information in records with a Matched or Posted status. The load log file contains information about any transactions that were not loaded. The Merge mode does not delete any records in the database.

Table 10-3 Example of Load In Merge Mode

Entity A - Existing Records Load File for Entity A Entity A After Load in Merge Mode

Record 1


Record 1

Record 2 - Matched

New Record 2

Record 2 - Matched (not affected by load process)

Record 3


Record 3

Record 4 - Posted

New Record 4

Record 4 - Posted (not affected by load process)

Record 5

New Record 5

New Record 5


New Record 6

New Record 6


The Replace mode replaces all the transactions in the database for the specified scenario, year, period, entity with the transactions specified in the load file. In the Replace mode, the system first clears all records for the entity for the scenario, year, period. If the system encounters any intercompany transactions for the entity that have a status of Posted or Matched, it does not clear those transactions; it skips them and continues with the load process. After clearing all applicable transactions for the entity, the system replaces all transactions for the entity with the records from the load file.

Table 10-4 Example of Load In Replace Mode

Entity A - Existing Records Load File for Entity A Entity A After Load in Merge Mode

Record 1



Record 2 - Matched

New Record 2

Record 2 - Matched (not affected by clear or load process)

Record 3



Record 4 - Posted

New Record 4

Record 4 - Posted (not affected by clear or load process)

Record 5

New Record 5

New Record 5


New Record 6

New Record 6