Intercompany Transaction Load Files

In addition to manually entering intercompany transactions, you can load transaction details from an external ASCII file. You can select multiple external files in one load process and select whether to merge or replace the transactions.

Section Headers in the Load File

The intercompany transaction load file can contain two sections:

  • Reason Code table: This section is loaded only if you have Intercompany Transaction Administrator security role access; otherwise, this section is ignored during the load.

  • IC Transaction section: This section is used most frequently and is loaded if you have Intercompany Transaction User security role access.

During the load process, the system also does not load the posting or matching status from the load file.

Special Keywords in the Load File

A special keyword is indicated by an exclamation mark (!) in front of the keyword.

Table 10-2 Keywords for IC Transaction Load Files

Keyword Description

Intercompany Detail

Indicates that the data represents intercompany detail.


Indicates the order of the items in the file.


(Optional). Indicates the delimiter used in the amount to separate the thousands. If this is not specified, the system uses the regional settings for the numeric value defined in the application server.


(Optional). Indicates the character to be used for the decimal amount. If this is not specified, the system uses the regional settings for the numeric value defined in the application server.

Intercompany Transaction File Example

Following is an example of an intercompany transaction load file. Use an exclamation mark (!) followed by a valid section name to indicate the beginning of a new section. Use an apostrophe (') to start a comment line. Use one of these file delimiter characters to separate information in the file:

, ~ @ $ % & ^ | : ; ? \

You can use any of the valid characters if that character is not used in the file name or in any other way in the file. For example, if you use the ampersand (&) in an entity member name, you cannot use the ampersand as the delimiter character. You must use the same delimiter character throughout the file. Using different delimiter characters within the same file causes an error when you load the file.


If you are using an Oracle database, the system converts the transaction ID, sub ID, reference ID, and reason code to upper case during the load process. For example, the system converts the “t123” Transaction ID to “T123” during the file load.


China;France;ICPurch;Flows;Market;Region;CostCenter;BX3212;08/12/06;EUR;2500;10000; ;Text2345;Text8984