Entering Ownership Information

To enter ownership information, you either load the shares information, or enter the shares information in a data grid with the appropriate POV. You load or enter values for system accounts such as Percent Ownership (POWN), Percent Consolidation (PCON), and Percent Control (PCTRL). You can also select the consolidation method for the entity and whether the consolidation status of a child into its parent is active or inactive.

To enter ownership information, you must be assigned the Manage Ownership security role.

The Manage Ownership grid rows display the list of child entities based on the entity you selected to use as the parent entity in the point of view. You can select multiple rows and apply a value in one row to multiple rows.

Table 7-1 shows the system account columns that you can display in the grid and the possible values that you can enter for each. These ownership and consolidation system accounts are automatically created when you create an application. For details, see the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management Administrator's Guide.

Table 7-1 System Accounts for Ownership Management

System Account Possible Values

Active - Consolidation status of a child into its parent

Yes for active; No for inactive

Method - Consolidation method assigned to the entity

None, or a method selected from the list of available methods

PCON - Percent consolidation - the percentage of an entity’s value that consolidates to its parent

Positive or negative number between -100 and 100, including 0. Default value is 100.

POWN - Percent ownership based on the entity’s shares that are owned by other entities

Positive number between 0 and 100. Default value is 100.

PMIN - Percent minority

A value calculated from the formula PMIN = PCON - POWN.

PCTRL - Percent control based on the entity’s voting shares that are owned by other entities

Positive number between 0 and 100. Default value is 100.

DOWN - Percent of direct ownership

Positive number between 0 and 100. Default value is 100.

Consol 1, 2, 3 - Consolidation methods

Number between 0 and 255


If the PCON, POWN, PCTRL, and DOWN system accounts do not contain values for partial ownership, the value is displayed as 100. If you do not enter values for the Consol 1,2, or 3 methods, the method is displayed as zero (0).

To enter ownership information:

  1. Select Consolidation, then Data, and then Manage Ownership.
  2. Select the scenario, year, period, and entity dimension members from the Point of View for which to enter ownership information.
  3. Optional: To display the entity currency, select View, then Columns, and select Entity Currency.
  4. From the grid, select entities for which to enter values and take one or more of these actions:
    • For Active, select Yes or No to specify whether the consolidation status of the child into its parent is active.

    • For Method, select a consolidation method for the entity.

    • For PCON, enter a value for percent consolidation.

    • For POWN, enter a value for percent ownership.

    • For PCTRL, enter a value for percent control.

    • For DOWN, enter a value for direct ownership.

    • For Consol1, Consol2, and Consol3, enter a consolidation method.

  5. To save the changes to the database and refresh the grid, click Submit, or select Actions, and then Submit.


    To reset the data to the values in the database without saving changes, click Reset, or select Actions, and then Reset.