Viewing Intercompany Transaction Progress

You can view the progress of intercompany transactions processes for these options: Load Transactions, AutoMatch, Post All, Unpost All, Unmatch All, Delete All, Matching Report by Transaction ID, Matching Report by Account, and Transaction Report. When you select these options, a progress bar page is displayed in a separate browser window with the current progress percentage, the status, and last update time.

In addition, you can view the task status from the Running Tasks module. In the Running Tasks module, you can stop the task if you are an administrator or have the appropriate security rights for the task. You can also select to view the log from the Running Tasks module to view the status information after the process is completed. See the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management Administrator's Guide.

To view the progress of intercompany transactions:

  1. From the list of transactions, select the transaction, and select a task.
  2. Take one of these actions:
    • From the Manage Intercompany Transactions page, view the progress bar for the task that is running.

    • From the Running Tasks page, select the task to view the progress.