Locking and Unlocking Process Units

After you receive approval for submitted data, you might need to lock the data to prevent any modifications. Locking prevents any change to the data for the entity for a selected category, year, and period. You can lock and unlock data in data grids or data forms.

If you have the Lock or Unlock security role, you can lock and unlock process units. The process unit must be published before it can be locked. To publish a process unit, you must be assigned the Review Supervisor security role and All access rights.

When you lock a parent entity, the system automatically locks all of its descendants. If you do not have All access to some of the child entities for the process unit, the system skips the lock status for these children and continues the process for the rest. However, the system does not lock inactive child entities, and does not lock the parent entity, because not all of its children are locked.

When you unlock a parent entity, the system automatically unlocks all of its descendants. If a child entity belongs to multiple parent entities, you must manually unlock all of the parent entities first, then unlock the child entity.

For applications that support phased submissions, the system checks to ensure that all cells of the processing unit have reached the Published status or are “Not Supported” before it can be locked. It also checks that all validation accounts for the appropriate phases have a zero value before applying the lock status. The lock status is a calculation status and applies to the entire process unit.

To lock data:

  1. From a data grid, select the cells for which to lock data.

  2. Right-click and select Lock.

To unlock data:

  1. From a data grid, select the cells for which to unlock data.

  2. Right-click and select Unlock.