Displaying Submission Phases in Process Control

You can use submission phases to divide a process unit into submission phases and work with subsets of data. In Process Control, you can display multiple submission phases, view review level status, and perform process management actions for multiple submission phases.

If you select Single period view, you can select one or more submission phases to include in the columns. For each column, you can display one or more of these options: Calculation Status, Journals, Review Level, Pass/Fail, and Validation. If selected, Review Level, Pass/Fail, and Validation are included for each phase. Since Calculation Status and Journals apply to the entire processing unit, they are displayed only once regardless of how many phases are selected.

If you select All period view, you can select Calculation Status or Review Level information for the columns. If you select Review Level information, you should select one submission phase for display. When you select All periods, or Tree view for the display, the filter option is unavailable.