Setting Process Control Display Options

You can select options to display the list of entities and review levels. You can display this information:

  • Review Level, for example, Started, First Pass, Review Level 1, Approved. See Process Levels.

  • Pass/Fail status, which displays whether the process unit is ready for promotion to the next level. See Viewing the Pass or Fail Status.

  • Validation status, which displays the validation status for the entity based on the amount stored in the Validation account for the entity. See Viewing Validation Account Detail.

  • Calculation status, for example, OK, NODATA, CH. See Viewing Calculation Status.

  • Journal status, which displays a red or green flag for the status of journals for the entity, such as Entity Currency Adjustments, Parent Currency Adjustments, Parent Adjustments, or Contribution Adjustments. See Viewing Journal Status.

The Process Control page also uses cell colors to indicate additional information about the data. See Using Data Cell Colors to Determine Status.

To set process control display options:

  1. From the Process Control page, Display Options, Grid Settings, select a Data View:
    • Local

    • Translation

    • Contribution

    See Selecting the Data View.

  2. For Style, select Tree or List.
  3. For Rows Per Page, enter the number of rows or use the default value of 1024.
  4. For Entity View, select Label, Description, or Both.
  5. For Period View, select Single or All.
  6. For Review Level Columns, select one or more options: Review Level, Pass/Fail, or Validation.
  7. For Status Columns, select one or more options: Calc Status or Journal Status.

Example 12-1 Style

You can display entities in a flat list or as a Tree hierarchy format. You can only use a Tree view if you select the Hierarchy system member list. All other member lists are displayed as a flat list.

When the entities are displayed in a Tree view, you can expand and collapse the hierarchy using the plus (+) and minus (-) signs next to the entity. When changing the process level in a Tree view, you can choose to apply the action to the current selected entity only or to the selected entity and its descendants. Using the entity and descendants option allows you to perform an action without having to manually expand the entire organization.

When the list is displayed in a Tree view, row sorting or filtering is unavailable.

Example 12-2 Entity View

You can view entity information using the entity label, description, or both. The default setting is to display the label.

Example 12-3 Show Active Only

If you are using an application set up for Organization by Period, you can display only the active descendants for a parent entity.

Example 12-4 Filters

When you use a list view, row sorting and filtering are available. For example, you can filter rows based on the review level and display all rows above or below a specific review level, such as all levels above First Pass. You can sort rows by review levels in descending or ascending order.

You can filter rows by validation status, such as Pass Only or Fail Only. You can also filter rows by calculation status, such as OK, CN, or TR. See Viewing Calculation Status.

After you set sorting and filtering options, the settings are displayed in tool tips for the columns on the Process Control page.

Example 12-5 Period View

You can view one period or all periods. When you choose all periods, you can view status for only one submission phase at a time, and you must choose to view either the Process Review Level or Calculation Status. The selected information is displayed across the columns for all the periods in the scenario.

Example 12-6 Submission Phases

If your application contains submission phases, you can select the submission phases for which you want to view status. You can also select the review and status information for which you want to include columns.

Example 12-7 Page Size

Depending on the entity list selection, it is possible to display many entities for Process Control. To minimize the performance issue with a large number of entities, you can select the number of entities to display on the page.