Process Levels

Process units pass through a number of process levels during the review cycle. The possible process levels are shown in Table 12-2 with a description of each level and the access rights that are required.

Table 12-2 Process Levels

Level Description

Not Started

The Review Supervisor has not started the process unit, and only the Supervisor can enter data. Only the Supervisor who has All access rights to the entity can change the process unit level to First Pass.

First Pass

Process unit has been started and is in the initial stage for data to be entered by users with the proper access rights. Any user with Read or Promote access to the entity can view the entity’s data. Any user with All access to the entity can modify the entity’s data. No security role is checked when the process unit is in the First Pass level.

Review Levels 1 through 10

Process unit is at the designated review level. To view data, a user needs access rights of Read, Promote, or All, and a security role of less than or equal to the process level of the data. To modify data or change the status, a user needs access rights of All and a security role equal to the process level of the data.


Process unit has been submitted and is ready for final approval. To view data, a user needs access rights of Read, Promote, or All, and any Process Control security role (ReviewerX, Submitter, Review Supervisor). To modify data or change the status, a user needs access rights of All and the Review Supervisor security role.

Submitted level is the common final process level before a process unit can be approved. If you have the Submitter security role, you have the option to skip levels of review and promote the process unit directly to the Submitted level.


Process unit has been approved. To view data, a user needs access rights of Read, Promote, or All, and any Process Control security role (ReviewerX, Submitter, Review Supervisor). To modify data or change the status, a user needs access rights of All and the Review Supervisor security role.


Process unit has been published for public access. To view data, a user needs access rights of Read, Promote, or All, and any security role. To modify data or change the status, a user needs access rights of All and the Review Supervisor security role.

Not Supported

Process Management is not enabled for the scenario.


The ability to modify data also includes the ability to post journals.