Process Management Security Roles

If Process Management is enabled for any scenario in the application, the application administrator must assign specific security roles to each user. An administrator can assign one or more security roles to users. See the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management Administrator's Guide.

To start Process Management, you must be assigned the Review Supervisor security role. After the Review Supervisor starts a process unit and promotes it to First Pass status, other users can review it, enter or change data, and promote it to the next level. If you have the Submitter security role, you can also skip review levels and promote the data to the Submitted status.

You can have up to 12 security roles in an application.

Table 12-1 Process Management Security Roles

Security Role Description

Reviewer 1 through 9

You can promote a process unit to the next level or reject it. See Process Levels.

Reviewer 10

You can reject a process unit, but you cannot promote it because a next level is not available. To move the process unit to the Submitted level for final approval, you must be a Submitter.


You can move the process unit to the final stage of the review process so that it is ready for approval. Although the default action is to promote the process unit to the next level, a Submitter can omit many levels of review and go to the last process level (Submitted) before final approval.

Review Supervisor

You have access rights to start a process unit that allows input to the entity’s data, and you can approve and publish the data.

To promote or reject a process unit, you may also need the Reviewer 1-10 role, depending on the process level. See Process Levels.