Viewing the Pass or Fail Status

Process units can be promoted only if their calculation status is OK, OK SC, or NODATA and the Validation account amount is equal to zero. The Pass/Fail column displays icons to show whether the process unit is ready for promotion to the next level. To determine whether the process unit passes or fails, the system checks the calculation status and the Validation account amount. Depending on the data view selected for Process Control, the system checks the calculation status and Validation account of the corresponding Value dimension of the entity as shown in Table 12-4. The value used for the validation is the validation account cell with the Custom dimension as the TopMember.

If the application uses submission phases, you can display a phase and view its Pass/Fail status.

Table 12-4 Data View and Value Dimension for Process Control

Data View Value Dimension

Local Data

Entity Curr Total

Translate Data

Parent Curr Total

Consolidation Data

Contribution Total

If the calculation status is OK, OK SC, or NODATA and if the Validation account amount is equal to zero or NODATA, the Pass/Fail column displays a Pass check mark indicating that the unit is ready for promotion.

If the process unit fails, the Pass/Fail column displays an X. In this case, you must perform the calculation in the current period to ensure that the data is valid for promotion. After calculation, if the Validation account is equal to zero, the calculation status is updated to OK and the status of the column changes to Pass.

When the system checks for Pass/Fail status, it checks for derived data in the current period. A period can contain derived data if the Validation account is a Flow account and if the ZeroViewforNonAdj metadata attribute is set to Periodic for the scenario. A unit with a calculation status of NODATA passes only if there is no data in prior periods. If a unit has a calculation status of NODATA but data exists in the prior period, the process unit displays a Fail status. For example, if you have no data in January, the calculation status for January is NODATA with a status of Pass. If you have data in January but no data in February, the status is Fail because February has derived data from January.

See Viewing Validation Account Detail.

To view the Pass/Fail status:

  1. Open Process Control.
  2. Select the entities for which to show status.

    The Pass/Fail status is displayed in the Pass/Fail column.