Selecting the Data View

The Process Control page displays a point of view with these dimensions: Scenario, Year, and Period. You can change any of these dimensions.

You can select these data views for Process Control: Local, Translation, or Consolidation. The system uses the corresponding Value dimension in the point of view and displays the calculation status and journal status based on the data view that you select. In addition, the system uses the corresponding Value dimension for the process unit validation. See Viewing Calculation Status, Viewing Journal Status, and Viewing Validation Account Detail.

Local View

When the Local Data View is selected, the Calculation Status (Calc Status) column is based on the Entity Currency Total member (Entity Curr Total) of the Value dimension. The Journal Status column (ECA Status) is based on the Entity Currency Adjustment member (Entity Curr Adjs) of the Value dimension.

Translation View

When the Translation Data View is selected, the Calculation Status (Calc Status) column is based on the Parent Currency Total member (Parent Curr Total) of the Value dimension. The Journal Status column (PCA Status) is based on the Parent Currency Adjustment member (Parent Curr Adjs) of the Value dimension.

Consolidation View

When the Consolidation Data View is selected, the Calculation Status (Calc Status) column is based on the Contribution Total member (Contribution Total) of the Value dimension. The Journal Status columns (PA and CA Status) are based on the Parent Adjustment (Parent Adjs) and Contribution Adjustment (Contribution Adjs) members of the Value dimension.