Selecting Entities for Process Control

The Process Control rows display the list of entities based on the selected TopMember of the entity. The entity list can be a user-defined list, or a system list such as Hierarchy, Descendant, Ancestors, Children, or Base. The TopMember text box is populated based on the entity that you are using in your point of view for the data grid. You can change the TopMember to filter the list of entities.

If you select a Hierarchy entity list, you can display the entities in a Tree view or a list view. If the entities are displayed in a Tree view, you can expand and collapse the hierarchy using the plus (+) and minus (-) signs next to the entity. When you use a Tree view, sorting and filtering are not available for rows. When you use a list view, sorting and filtering are available.

To select entities for Process Control:

  1. Select Consolidation, then Data, and then Process Control.
  2. From the POV bar, click a dimension name and from Member Selection, select dimension members for the Scenario, Year, and Period.
  3. Optional: To change the TopMember for the entity list, from Member Selection, select an entity.
  4. From Display Options, Grid Settings, select a Data View:
    • Local

    • Translation

    • Contribution

    See Selecting the Data View.

  5. Optional: Select the options for the grid, views, and columns.