Drilling Through to Intercompany Transactions

Intercompany Matching Reports help you track intercompany transactions for analysis and auditing purposes. After you consolidate data, you can run intercompany matching reports to provide detail on intercompany account balances that were eliminated.

When you run an Intercompany Matching Report at the account balance level, a link is displayed on the report if the administrator set up the report to display intercompany transactions detail for the matching group. When you click the link, you can view the matching report at the transaction detail level.

To drill down to intercompany transactions, you must be assigned the Intercompany Transaction User security role. You can only view intercompany transactions in the report; you cannot change the transactions in the report.

To view intercompany transactions from an Intercompany report:

  1. Select Consolidation, then Intercompany, and then Reports.
  2. From the list of reports, open an Intercompany report.


    To override the report options, click Edit to edit the report and print without having to save the changes.

  3. From the report, double-click the link to the transactions detail.