Set Shared Services Admin User and Password

For hardened security, reset the password for the Oracle Hyperion Shared Services admin user. Optionally, specify an admin name other than the default, admin.

EPM System Configurator creates a preprovisioned user (called admin by default), which enables you to log on to Shared Services after configuration to create and provision users. EPM System Configurator requires you to specify a new admin password during configuration. After configuration, make subsequent changes to the admin user password in the Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console. See the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Security Configuration Guide.

The following table describes options for resetting the Shared Services admin user password.

EPM System Configurator Fields Description Your Information

Admin Name

Optionally, specify a name other than the default name admin for the Shared Services administrator user.



Enter a new password for the Shared Services admin user. The maximum password length is 16 characters.

Tip: Make a note of this password.


Re-type Password

To confirm the new password, re-enter the password for the Shared Services admin user.