Configure Logical Address for Web Applications

Specify the logical address details to use for Java web applications, or click or select Next to accept the defaults:

Use this option to change the logical address for a deployed Java web application, for example if you are using a load balancer. This task lets you change the logical address without redeploying the Java web application. You can select this task during initial Java web application deployment.

For Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting linked reports to work, configure Financial Reporting so that the logical address of the Financial Reporting component is same as web server port (for example, 19000).


You need to perform this task on only one machine in the deployment.

The following table describes options for configuring the logical addresses to use for Java web applications.

EPM System Configurator Fields Description Your Information
Set the logical web address for all the applications to / Set the logical address for each application individually to

Select whether to apply the same address to all Java web applications or to apply a different address to each Java web application


Product Component

Shows the components for which a Java web application is deployed



For each enabled module, review the host name to which this web server proxies requests.



Review or update the port numbers for the application server listen ports for the applications. The port here must match the listen port of the deployed application.


SSL Port

Review or update the SSL port of the logical web address.

If you are using SSL, you should disable the non-SSL port (or redirect it to the SSL port) in your Java application server after configuration to ensure secure communication.



Review the context path. The context path is the part of the URL that accesses the deployed Java web application. For example, in the following URL, workspace is the context path:



Use fully qualified host names for all entries. For example,