Importing Essbase Applications

Use 11g LCM Utility to import Oracle Essbase applications (metadata and data) from Release 11.2.12+.

Ensure that you have exported the Essbase applications as described in Preparing Essbase Applications for Upgrading. To import Essbase applications to Release 11.2.15:

  1. Before running the utility, you must set the JAVA_HOME environment variable:
    • Windows example:
      set JAVA_HOME=<Local Drive>:\Oracle\Middleware_Home\JDK
      set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%
    • LINUX example:
      export JAVA_HOME=/Middleware_Home/JDK
      export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
  2. Open command prompt and run ImportTo21c.bat from the folder UpgradePS4to21cScripts. It will now import all the artifacts.
  3. After importing artifacts, review the Migration Status Report to validate the import. Check the file EssbaseUpgradeStatus.xml, located within the extracted Essbase LCM Utility folder, for the status when the import process is finished. The import process is successful if the task is success in the tag <task status="SUCCESS" taskName="import">. You can disregard any error notifications that are recorded following a success status. For example, you can disregard the following error below:
    Error [/Databases/DB1/Drill-through definitions,FDMEE_Actual]:Cannot Create Drill Through URL


    After the migration is complete, the following application level settings for Planning Based Essbase apps must be redone (they won't be carried over with the migrated application):
    • Data Cache
    • Index Cache
    • Any custom configuration completed for the application.