Deploy to Application Server: Oracle WebLogic

Specify the application server options, or click or select Next to accept the default entries.

Deploy all Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System products to one domain.

The following table describes options for WebLogic application server deployment configuration.

EPM System Configurator Fields Description Your Information

Deploy the web applications to a single managed server

Select this option for a deployment to a single managed server.

If you select this option, all selected Java web applications are deployed to a single managed server in WebLogic.

This option is available only when you are creating a new domain or extending an existing domain created in EPM System Configurator on the machine hosting WebLogic Administration Server.

To add products to a single managed server on a machine other than the machine hosting Oracle Hyperion Foundation Services, select Scale out single managed server on this machine.

Deploying Java web applications to a single managed server reduces memory requirements and reduces startup time. You can have only one single managed server in an EPM System deployment. You can scale out the single managed server.

When you select this option, all managed server names are changed to EPMServer0, and all ports are changed to 9000 or 9443 (SSL). If you change a port, it is reflected in all the rows.

If you deselect this option after it is selected, the port values revert to the default individual ports; and if already configured to a different port, the values revert to the user-provided ports.



Select the components to deploy.


Managed Server Name

Displays the WebLogic Managed Server name.



Accept the default port; or, to change the default, enter a port number that does not conflict with other applications installed on your machine.

See Ports.


SSL Port

Accept the default port or specify the SSL port to use for deployment. Specifying this port sets up SSL using the Java application server's default certificates. See the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Security Configuration Guide for recommendations on updating the Java application server with a valid certificate.

If you are using SSL, you must disable the non-SSL port (or redirect it to the SSL port) in your Java application server after configuration to ensure secure communication.



Indicates the deployment status  

Deployment notes:

  • To specify the logical address the products use to connect to the Java web application server, use the "Update Logical Address for Web Applications" task. Select this task when the Java web applications do not communicate with the Java web application server directly, as in the following scenarios:

    • You have set up a cluster with a load balancer.

    • You are using an SSL offloader.

    See Configure Logical Address for Web Applications.

  • The Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace Java web application and the Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Java web application are deployed when you select the Hyperion Foundation Deploy to Application Server task.

  • If you are implementing a custom authentication module, you must include its Java archive (.jar) in the EPM Product classpath. See the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Security Configuration Guide for detailed procedures to implement a custom authentication module.