Account Reconciliation Management

Dimension or Profile Display

Issue: The Account Reconciliation Management dimension or profile is not displayed from Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition.

Solution: Run the wlsConfigARM.bat script :

  1. Make sure the FDMEE service and Oracle WebLogic Server are running.

  2. Open under /EPMSystem11R1/products/FinancialDataQuality/bin.

  3. Modify userName, password, and adminServerURL for your specific server, and then save the file.

  4. Open a command-line prompt.

  5. Ensure that EPM_ORACLE_HOME is set as an environment variable.

  6. Change directory to /EPMSystem11R1/products/FinancialDataQuality/bin.

  7. From the same command-line prompt, run wlsConfigARM.bat .

  8. Make sure the script ran successfully, and then restart the FDMEE service and WebLogic Server Administration server.

Initialization of Source

Issue: Initialization of source fails from FDMEE.


  • Check the FDMEE system setting to ensure that the agent and repository information is correct.

  • Check the source’s physical schema setting in ODI Topology:

    • Click Test Connection to test the physical connection from the physical source data server.

    • From the physical schema definition, ensure that a valid schema is selected from the Schema menu.

StuckThreadMax Error

Issue: Account Reconciliation Management times out with a message that mentions the configured time (StuckThreadMaxTime).

Solution: Follow these steps to increase the Stuck Thread Max Time setting:

  1. Log on to WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  2. Select Environment, then Servers, and then click the name of the managed server whose Stuck Thread Max Time setting you want to increase.

  3. Select Configuration and then Tuning.

  4. Edit the Stuck Thread Max Time and Stuck Thread Timer Interval settings as needed.


    For additional information you can click More info ... to the right of Stuck Thread Max Time.

ODI Scenario

Issue: Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) scenario is started, but no steps are executed.

This condition may indicate a table lock issue.

Solution: Restart FDMEE. If the issue persists, then restart the database for the ODI master repository.