Financial Close Management and Tax Governance

Tips in this section apply to both Oracle Hyperion Financial Close Management and Oracle Hyperion Tax Governance.

Loading Data to Oracle Database 19C

Issue: When loading data to Oracle Database 19c for Financial Close Management or Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition, you see an error such as:

Caused By: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01502: index 'EPMFCM.ARM_BALANCES_PK' or partition of such index is in unusable state


ERROR at line 1:ORA-01450: maximum key length (6398) exceeded

Solution: Make sure to set max_string_size to standard.

Upgrading to Release 11.2

Issue: While importing the Release schema to the Release 11.2 schema, you receive this error:

ORA-39083: Object type INDEX_STATISTICS failed to create with error: 
ORA-01403: no data found 
ORA-01403: no data found 
Failing sql is: 
"SYS"."IMPDP_STATS"; SELECT index_name, index_owner INTO IND_NAME, IND_OWNER 
FROM (SELECT UNIQUE sgc1.index_name, sgc1.index_owner, 
COUNT(*) mycount 
FROM sys.ku$_find_sgc_view sgc1, 
TABLE (sgc1.col_list) myc

Solution: You can ignore this error.

Problem Starting Servers After Upgrading to Release 11.2

Issue: If you're having trouble starting servers after upgrading to Release 11.2, you might have a domain name difference issue.

Solution: Modify the tables named WL_LLR_FINANCIALCLOSE0 column REDCORDSTR from <Old_Domain>//FinancialClose0 to EPMSystem//FinancialClose0 (which is the default name). The same change is needed in WL_LLR_TAXMANAGEMENT0. Both environments Source and Target should be identical, even the domain names. If environments are identical, you won’t run into this issue.

General Financial Close Management and Tax Governance Troubleshooting Tips

When troubleshooting Financial Close Management or Tax Governance installation and configuration issues, check the following logs, which may help you resolve issues. If you call Technical Support for assistance, you can also use the logs in MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/domains/EPMSystem/servers/FinancialClose0/logs to provide specific information about your issue:

  • Oracle WebLogic Server

    • AdminServer.log

    • AdminServer-diagnostic.log

  • Financial Close Management: FinancialClose.log

  • Oracle Hyperion Foundation Services: FoundationServices0.log

See Using EPM System Logs.

You can run the Financial Close Management Validation Tool to verify that the components for Financial Close Management are correctly deployed and configured. For instructions, see "Validating a Financial Close Management Deployment" in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide.

To check whether issues are related to Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace, use this link to bypass EPM Workspace and log on to Financial Close Management directly: http://host:port/fcc/faces/oracle/apps/epm/fcc/ui/page/FCCDashboard.jspx. The default port for Financial Close Management is 8700.

For more information, see "Financial Close Management and Tax Governance Manual Configuration Tasks " in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide.

Out-of-Memory Error on Managed Server

Issue: You encounter this error on the Financial Close Management managed server:

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

Solution: Follow these steps:

  1. Lower the PermGen setting to about 300M. Increase the setting 300M, if necessary, but a setting below 512M is generally sufficient.

  2. Increase the XMX setting, for a higher maximum heap size. For a production environment, a setting of 1024M is recommended.

Financial Close Management and Tax Governance Installation and Configuration Issues

Issues in this section apply to both Financial Close Management and Tax Governance.

Financial Close Management Server Timeout

Issue: When you attempt to import a task set into a template, the import either freezes or creates duplicates in the template. The FinancialClose.log file includes this error message:

ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' has been busy for "623" seconds working on the request "weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl

The FinancialClose.log file also includes this trace message:

Thread-64 "[STUCK] ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'"  <alive, suspended, priority=1, DAEMON>
^-- Holding lock: oracle.jbo.JboSyncLock@376adc6[thin lock]
^-- Holding lock: oracle.jbo.JboSyncLock@376adc6[thin lock]

Solution: Change three settings to increase the timeout settings for the Financial Close Management server.

  1. From WebLogic Admin Server Console, select domain name, then Environment, and then Servers.

  2. In the right panel, select, FinancialClose0.

  3. On the Configuration tab:

    1. On the Tuning subtab and increase the Stuck Thread Max Time value.

    2. On the OverLoad subtab, increase the Max Stuck Thread Time value.

  4. On the Protocols tab, increase the Complete Message Timeout value.

WebLogic Server

Issue: The FinancialClose.log file contains this error message:

weblogic.transaction.internal.TimedOutException: Transaction timed out after xx seconds

Solution: Using the WebLogic Server Administration Console, increase the JTA Timeout setting:

  1. Log on to http://host name:7001/console.

  2. Select Domain Structure, then Services, and then the JTA page.

  3. On the JTA tab, change the Timeout Seconds setting to a value higher than the default value of 300.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Click Activate Changes.

Financial Close Management Startup Order

Issue: Mediators are invalidated because services and servers start in the wrong order. Or, Oracle Hyperion Financial Management integration does not work.

Solution: Change the startup type for the services to Manual, and start the services and servers in the order specified in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide.

Financial Close Management Launch from EPM Workspace

Issue: On the EPM Workspace Navigate menu, the Financial Close Management application may be displayed as ${CloseManager}. If you click ${CloseManager}, these errors are logged:

Invalid or could not find module configuration.

Required application module fcc.calendar is not configured. Please contact your administrator.

Solution: Start the Financial Close Management Java web application:

  1. Log on to the WebLogic Server Administration Console (http://WebLogic Admin host:WebLogic Admin port/console).

  2. On the Domain Structure panel, click Deployments.

  3. Check whether the FinancialClose application is in an Active state.

  4. If the FinancialClose application state is not Active, start the application by clicking Start and selecting Serving all Requests.

  5. If Financial Close Management fails to start, check MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/domains/EPMSystem/servers/FinancialClose0/logs/FinancialClose0.log for a reason.

Financial Close Management User Provisioning

Issue: Financial Close Management does not show up in Oracle Hyperion Shared Services, and therefore users cannot be provisioned with Financial Close Management roles.

Solution: This issue indicates that Financial Close Management registration with Shared Services failed. To force Financial Close Management reregistration with Shared Services:

  1. Search the financialclose_1_config.xml file for this string: hubRegistration.

    The financialclose_1_config.xml file is in EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/foundation/


  2. Replace this line:

    <property name="hubRegistration">Configured</property>

    with this line:

    <property name="hubRegistration">Pending</property>
  3. Rerun EPM System Configurator, and then select only the top node of Financial Close Management.

Logon Access from Email

Issue: After configuring MSAD, you can launch schedules and run tasks, but you cannot log on through the Task Action link in email messages.

Solution: Verify that the User From Name Filter that is specified for your MSAD security provider is using the correct attribute for your user name (for example, (&(sAMAccountName=%u)(objectclass=user)).

Domain Configuration

Issue: Attempting to deploy the Financial Close Management Java web application from EPM System Configurator by extending the existing domain produces this error message:

EPMCFG-10072: Supplied admin user password for the "<domain path>" domain is incorrect. Please review the domain configuration and provide correct user password.

Solution: Add a security folder under domain/servers/AdminServer, and then add a file in the security folder.

Example of file:

username=weblogic (WebLogic Server admin user name in clear text)

password=password (WebLogic Server admin password in clear text)

Financial Close Management Schedule Execution Issues

Connection Resource Allocation Error

Issue: The Financial Close Management log includes this error message:

java.sql.SQLException: Could not retrieve datasource via JNDI url 'jdbc/data source' weblogic.jdbc.extensions.PoolDisabledSQLException: weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceDisabledException: Pool data source is Suspended, cannot allocate resources to applications..]

This message indicates that you have exceeded the maximum connections allowed in the connection pool for the specified data source.

Solution: Increase the capacity of the connection pool:

  1. In the WebLogic Server Administration Console (http://WebLogic Admin host:WebLogic Admin port/console), select Services, then JDBC, and then Datasources.

  2. Select your data source, then Connection Pool, and then Maximum Capacity.

  3. Edit data source settings to increase their capacity.

    The recommended setting for the financialclose_datasource is 150, but you can use a different number according to your installation requirements.