Financial Management

Database Connectivity Loss

If you lose database connectivity, you must resubmit any tasks that were running.

When a database connection is lost, Oracle Hyperion Financial Management tries to reconnect, with a default of five retries. In general, tasks might need to be restarted if the database connection outage is longer than five seconds.

High User Loads

In case of issues during high user load, the following changes are recommended:

  1. Increase the number of maximum connections for the HsxServer. Create a file called under this directory: EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE\config\hfm, and add these entries:

    • JhsxServerThreadPoolSize=200

    • ThriftServiceThreadPoolSize=200

  2. Add the following JVM Option to the HFMWeb Service:


Failure Accessing Financial Management Through EPM Workspace

Issue: You have difficulty accessing Financial Management.

Solution: Perform these steps:

  1. To test access to Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace, use the following URLs, where webserver is the host name of the machine running the EPM Workspace web server, webport is the port for the web server (by default, 19000), hfmserver is the host name of the machine running the Financial Management web component, and hfmport is the port for the web server used by Financial Management (by default, 7363):

    URL Expected Result What to Check if the Result is Different
    http://web server:port/workspace/ EPM Workspace splash screen is displayed, and a new browser window opens with the logon page.
    • EPM Workspace web server is running on the specified port.

    • EPM Workspace Java web application is running.

    • Web server configuration files point to correct host name and port.

    http://hfmserver:hfmport/hfmadf/hfm.jspx A page with light blue background is displayed.
    • The Financial Management web server is running.

    • Web server configuration files point to the correct host name and port for the Financial Management web server.

    http://webserver:webport/hfm/ A page with light blue background is displayed.

    The Financial Management web server is running.

    For detailed instructions on configuring the web server, see "Configuring EPM System Products in a New Deployment," in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide.

  2. If step 1 does not work, verify that you have configured the EPM Workspace proxy server plug-in. If it is configured, test whether you can directly access Financial Management.

Connection Issues

Failure after a Computer Restart

Issue: Your Financial Management installation fails after you restart the computer.

Solution: Check the Remote Procedure Call service in Windows:

  1. Open the Windows Control Panel and select Services.

  2. Verify that the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator is set to Manual.

  3. Select the Remote Procedure Call service, click Start, and restart the computer.

Database Connection

Issue: The connection to the Financial Management database fails.


  1. Ensure that the database server is running.

  2. If the database server is running, in EPM System Configurator, check the Database Configuration panel for Financial Management to ensure that the database server name, user name, password, and database name are correct. See the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide.

  3. If the database server is running, the configuration information is correct, and the database connection fails, reinstall the Oracle database client.

SQL Server Connection

  • Issue: You cannot connect to SQL Server or receive this error message: SQL Server: Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. Client unable to establish connection.

  • Possible Solutions:

Establishing the SQL Server Connection Using TCP/IP

If you use Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or 2008, it disables TCP/IP connections to the database by default. You must enable these connections before running EPM System Configurator.

To establish the SQL Server connection using TCP/IP:

  1. Select Start, then Settings, and then Control Panel.

  2. Select Administrative Tools, and then double-click Data Sources (ODBC).

  3. Click Add.

  4. In the list of drivers, highlight SQL Server, and then click Finish.

  5. Enter a data source name, description, the data server name for the SQL Server to which to connect, and then click Next.

  6. Select this authentication option: With SQL Server authentication using a login ID and password entered by the user.

  7. Click Client Configuration, select TCP/IP (if not selected), and then click OK.

  8. For Connect to SQL Server, enter the login ID and password, and then click Next.

  9. Change the default database to the Financial Management database.

  10. Click Next, and then click Finish.

  11. Click Test Data Source.

  12. When you receive the success message, click OK, and then click OK to close the dialog box.

  13. Click OK to close the ODBC Administrator dialog box.

Verifying Microsoft SQL Server Authentication Settings

To verify the Microsoft SQL Server authentication setting:

  1. Select Start, then Programs, then Microsoft SQL Server, and then Enterprise Manager.

  2. Expand the list of Microsoft SQL Servers.

  3. Right-click the database server name, and then select Properties.

  4. Select Security.

  5. Ensure that this Authentication option is selected: SQL Server and Windows.

  6. Click OK.

Rights Required for Installation

Issue: You cannot install and configure Financial Management.

Solution: Ensure that you have local administrator rights to install Financial Management.

Large Data or File Load

Issue: You receive an error message when performing large data or file loads.

Possible Solution: If you are using Classic Administration and receive a Proxy Error message, increase the Workspace timeout setting.

JRF WebServices Asynchronous Services

Issue: You encounter this error message when deploying Financial Management:

Please install missing templates: Oracle JRF WebServices Asynchronous services.

Solution: JRF WebServices Asynchronous services are required for Financial Management to work with Oracle Hyperion Financial Close Management. If you are not using or have not installed Financial Close Management, selecting the Deploy to Application Server task for Financial Management in EPM System Configurator is unnecessary and can result in error messages but does not affect the functionality of Financial Management. If you inadvertently selected Deploy to Application Server for Financial Management, you can safely ignore the error messages.