
Planning and Administration Services

Issue: You cannot expand the Planning outline in Oracle Essbase Administration Services.

Solution: Turn on debugging and check these items:

  1. Whether you can access an Oracle Essbase application (for example, the Sample application) in Administration Services. If you cannot access an Essbase application, the problem is with Essbase rather than with Oracle Hyperion Planning.

  2. Security and external authentication for Essbase.

Performance Issues

  • Issue: You use an Oracle database and want to improve the performance of Database Refresh.

    Solution: Ensure that CURSOR_SHARING in Oracle is set to EXACT (the default setting).

  • Issue: You want to improve Planning performance.

    Solution: Tune Oracle WebLogic Server or increase heap size, depending on your environment. For example, if Java runs out of memory, and your server has more memory available than the 512 MB that is allocated to Java by default, you can increase the amount that Java can use. See the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Deployment Options Guide.


    Oracle recommends working with a consultant to assess your environment.

Planning Server Shut Down Error

Issue: When stopping Planning server, it may not shut down properly and errors out with this message:

<HTTP> <BEA-101276> <web application(s)/HyperionPlanning still have non-replicated sessions after 0 minutes of initiating SUSPEND. Waiting for non-replicated sessions to finish.

Solution: Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to WebLogic Server Administration Console and under the Control tab for the Planning server instance, enable the option "Ignore Sessions During Shutdown".

  2. Restart Planning server.