Connections to Essbase Clusters

Issue: You cannot connect to an Oracle Essbase cluster using a cluster name; for example, by entering MAXL> login admin password EssbaseCluster-1.

Solution: Take one of these actions:

  • Ensure that the URL you are using follows one of these formats:

    • http(s)://host:port/aps/Essbase?ClusterName=cluster

    • http(s)://host:port/aps/Essbase?ClusterName=cluster&SecureMode=<yes|no> (to connect to Essbase over a secure protocol)

  • To connect to an Essbase cluster using only the cluster name, modify a configuration file to specify the Oracle Hyperion Provider Services server that resolves the cluster name in the URL. The Provider Services server is specified in these configuration files:

    • For server-to-server communication–essbase.cfg

      Use this format:

      ApsResolver http(s)://host:port/aps

      You can specify several Provider Services servers in essbase.cfg, using a semicolon (;) between server names.

    • For client-to-server communication–

      Use this format:



    The ApsResolver setting must be in essbase.cfg on the client side for tools or applications that use Essbase CAPI (such as MAXL, Esscmd, and Planning).

    The ApsResolver setting must be in on the client side for tools or applications that use Essbase JAPI (such as Provider Services).