Essbase Server Startup

Issue: After you apply a maintenance release, Oracle Essbase does not start.

This issue occurs if you do not stop all processes before applying a maintenance release.

Solution: Check the installTool-install-DDD-MM.DD.YYYY-TIME.log file in EPM_ORACLE_HOME/diagnostics/logs/install. If the log file includes a message such as The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process, which indicates that some files were locked during installation and configuration, reinstall Essbase.

Issue: You encounter this error message if JVMMODULELOCATION was not set correctly in essbase.cfg or in the shared library path for platform:

JVM load failed [jvm.dll]. Single Sign-On Initialization Failed

Solution: Open essbase.cfg in a text editor and edit it to specify the correct JVM.

Issue: You encounter the error message Failed in GCInit(). This message occurs if the locale directory in ESSBASEPATH is not found or if files are missing files from the locale directory.

Solution: Check ESSBASEPATH in setEssbaseEnv.cmd (Windows):

Windows—In the command line, enter echo %ESSBASEPATH.

If the ESSBASEPATH is missing or incorrect, define the correct ESSBASEPATH.


ESSBASEPATH should use startEssbase.bat (Windows) , not essbase.exe.

Issue: Essbase does not start from the Start menu.

Solution: Start Essbase from a command line. More error messages are displayed when Essbase is started from a command line, which facilitates troubleshooting. For example, error messages might identify missing or inaccessible files.