Lifecycle Management

See also Lifecycle Management Logs.

Migration Tip: Naming

For fully automated migration, the Development, Test, and Production environments should be identical in terms of names, including names of data sources, provisioned Native Directory group names, applications, and application groups. Identical naming is especially important between Test and Production environments, where manual steps are often unacceptable.

Identical naming is not always possible, because some products’ application names include server names, which require manual editing of provisioning information. In cases where the application names are different, you must manual edit provisioning information before importing an application.

Trouble Uploading Artifact Snapshot

Issue: Artifact snapshot upload fails with the following error message:

Failure of Web Server bridge: Internal processing error


This issue occurs when re-installation (assuming previous installation was correctly uninstalled) was performed on the same machine by different user.

Solution: Ensure that the /tmp/_wl_proxy has write access and enough memory to temporarily write the artifact snapshot data.

Out-of-Memory Errors in a Compact Deployment

Issue: In a 64-bit environment, performing a Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management for Oracle Hyperion Planning artifacts in a compact deployment produces out-of-memory errors in the Oracle Hyperion Foundation Services logs.

Solution: Increase the maximum heap size setting for the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System managed server deployed to Oracle WebLogic Server:

Windows—Edit the Windows registry entry for EPMServer0 under the HKLM/Hyperion Solutions node.

Comparing Environments

Issue: You need to compare two environments, such as a Development and Test.

Solution: Export the artifacts to the file system and use a compare utility (such as Beyond Compare) to see differences for text and XML artifacts.

Shared Services Launch

Issue: You cannot launch Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console.

Solution: When launching Shared Services Console, use a fully qualified server name in the URL; for example, http://web_Server:Port/interop/index.jsp.

Export Failure

Issue: Artifact export fails because the user password for a Lifecycle Management export file contains braces ({ }).

Solution: Do not use braces in user passwords.

Lifecycle Management Timeout for Artifact Imports

Issue: Importing artifacts using Lifecycle Management times out after an hour (with all services running), and an error message similar to the following is written to SharedService_LCM.log:

2011-07-19T03:03:36.066-07:00] [FoundationServices0] [ERROR] [EPMLCM-30052] [oracle.EPMLCM] [tid: 173] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 0000J51cbhmFW7P5IfL6if1E2XZW000574,0] [SRC_CLASS: ?] [APP: SHAREDSERVICES#] [SRC_METHOD: ?:?] Failed to connect to "http://server name:19000/awb/" while performing import for application - "<applicationName>". Received status code - "503" with error message - "Service Temporarily Unavailable". Possible cause of error Server Down or Not reachable.


This error does not necessarily indicate that the import of the artifacts has failed. Check the status of the import jobs in the Job Console to verify whether a failure has occurred. If the import job indicates a failure, this is most likely not a timeout problem and should be investigated further, starting with the attached import results.

If the import jobs in Job Manager do not show failures, then the artifact migration has not been aborted and may complete successfully. You can check progress for the respective job IDs in the Library Job Console.

The Oracle HTTP Server web server might be configured to time out if a job takes longer than a predefined period. When Oracle HTTP Server is used with WebLogic Server, the default timeout is set to 3600 seconds (one hour).

Solution: Increase the Oracle HTTP Server web server time out. Modify or add the WLIOTimeoutSecs property with a value that will encompass the duration of typical migration tasks. Additionally, set Idempotent OFF. Make these changes in the mod_wl_ohs.conf configuration file located under: EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/httpConfig/ohs/config/OHS/ohs_component. For example, for Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management:

<LocationMatch ^/profitability> 
SetHandler weblogic-handler 
WeblogicCluster server name:port 
WLIOTimeoutSecs 60000 
Idempotent OFF 
WLSocketTimeoutSecs 6000 

or for Planning:

<LocationMatch ^/planning> 
SetHandler weblogic-handler 
WeblogicCluster server name:port 
WLIOTimeoutSecs 60000 
Idempotent OFF 
WLSocketTimeoutSecs 6000 

You can also try adjusting the SSO token timeout. For instructions, see the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System User Security Administration Guide.

Lifecycle Management Diagnostics

Issue: Lifecycle Management users must analyze Lifecycle Management activity during a problematic migration.

Solution: Change the logging level to TRACE:32:

  • To change the logging level for all migrations run from command line utility (Utility.bat or, edit the logging.xml file in EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/Config/FoundationServices.

    The debug log is written to EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/diagnostics/logs/migration/LCM_timestamp.log.

    The debug content is written to the EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/diagnostics/logs/migration/Debug_sequence_id folder.

  • To change the logging level for migrations run from Oracle Hyperion Shared Services, edit the logging.xml file in MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/domains/EPMSystem/config/fmwconfig/servers/FoundationServices0.

    The debug log is written to MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/domains/EPMSystem/servers/FoundationServices0/logs/SharedServices_LCM.log.

    The debug content is written to the EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/diagnostics/logs/migration/Debug_sequence_id folder.

Lifecycle Management and Financial Management

HFMLCMService Web Service Connectivity and Configuration Settings

For the LCM Web Service to run correctly, the LCM Web Service (HFMLCMService) must exist in Microsoft IIS web server, and the values for the executionTimeout and any modifications to the maxRequestLength properties in Web.Config must be correct.

To check connectivity to HFMLCMService, go to http://HFM_WEBSERVER/HFMLCMService/LCMWS.asmx.

If the service is running correctly, a page that contains the names of the LCM Web Service methods is displayed.

To modify the executionTimeout and maxRequestLength HFMLCMService properties:

  1. In a text editor, open Web.Config in EPM_ORACLE_HOME/products/FinancialManagement/Web/HFMLCMService.

  2. (Optional) For very large LCM artifacts, increase the values for executionTimeout (in seconds) and maxRequestLength (in kilobytes) in the following line:

    <!-- Maximum value allowed is 2GB - Currently set waiting time to 1hours, 1.5GB data transfer-->
        <httpRuntime executionTimeout="3600" maxRequestLength="1572864" />


    Incorrect modification could cause the HFMLCM Web Service to fail.

  3. Save and close Web.Config.

  4. Reset Microsoft IIS web server (iisreset).

Timeout Setting for Lifecycle Management Server Communication

Issue: Lifecycle Management Server communications time out early.

Solution: Increase the value for HFM.client_timeout in the SharedServices component properties; the recommended value is 60 or higher. This property controls the length of time (in seconds) that the Lifecycle Management Server communicates with the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management Lifecycle Management Web Service.

To change the timeout value:

  1. Log on to Shared Services and explore Deployment Metadata in the Foundation application group.

  2. Expand Shared Services Registry, then the Foundation Services node, and then the Shared Services node.

  3. Right-click Properties, select Export for Edit, and then save the exported file.

  4. In the saved file, increase the HFM.client_timeout setting.

  5. In Shared Services, right-click Properties, select Import after Edit, and import the edited properties file.

    The change takes effect with the next migration.

Financial Management and Shared Services Logging

Issue: Logging and diagnostics are not enabled.

Solution: Set Financial Management to automatically record all activities to provide an audit trail that can be used to diagnose problems.


Enable logging and diagnostics only when needed. Enabling them affects performance, especially with large migrations.

To turn on logging and view the logs:

  1. In a text editor, open EPM_ORACLE_HOME/products/FinancialManagement/Web/HFMLCMService/Web.Config.

  2. In Web.Config, set these parameters to enable logging:

    • appSettings

          <add key="Debug" value="true"></add>

      If an error occurs (even without the additional logging enabled), the IIS application pool account (Network Service) must have full access to the log directory; otherwise, no errors are caught.

      Log location: EPM_ORACLE_HOME/logs/hfm

    • diagnostics

      	<trace enabled="true" input="InputTrace.webinfo" output="OutputTrace.webinfo"/>
      			<detailedErrors enabled="true"/>

      If an error occurs (even without the additional logging enabled), the IIS application pool account (Network Service) must have full access to the log directory; otherwise no errors are caught.

      Log location: EPM_ORACLE_HOME/products/FinancialManagement/Web/HFMLCMService

      • InputTrace.webinfo

      • OutputTrace.webinfo

  3. Save and close Web.Config.

Out-of-Memory Exception with Multiple Migrations on Large Applications

Issue: When running multiple Financial Management Lifecycle Management migrations on large applications, you receive an out-of-memory exception in the IIS process (w3wp.exe).

Solution: Change the IIS configuration for the Financial Management Lifecycle Management application pool on the Financial Management web server. On the Properties page for the application pool, Enable Memory recycling, with virtual memory set to 1,000 MB and physical memory set to 800 MB.


These memory settings should be safe for most environments. Depending on hardware resources, you may be able to increase the values.

Inability to Migrate Financial Management Artifacts

Issue: Migrations fail, and the Lifecycle Management Migration Status Report displays this error message:

Access to the path 'C:/oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/products/FinancialManagement/Web/HFM/FileTransfer/TempSecurityArtifact.sec' is denied.


The path displayed in the error message is the Financial Management file-transfer directory path that was specified during Financial Management installation and configuration.

Solution: Ensure that the IIS pooling identity has Read, Write, and Execute rights to the Financial Management file-transfer directory path that was specified during Financial Management installation and configuration.

To view the currently configured Financial Management file-transfer folder path on the computer hosting the Financial Management Web Service:

  1. Open Registry Editor (click Start, then click Run, then enter epmsys_registry, and then click OK).

  2. View the FileTransferFolderPath under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Hyperion Solutions/Hyperion Financial Management/Web.