Installation Tips and Troubleshooting

For help with configuration issues, see Configuration Tips and Solutions.


If your installation process is blocked by a prerequisite check, and you believe you understand the warning and can proceed with the installation despite it, you can ignore the prerequisite checks and try to proceed by running EPM System Installer with the -ignoreChecks option.

EPM System Installer Shutdown

Issue: EPM System Installer stops running before completing an installation.

Solution: Check installTool-summary.log, in EPM_ORACLE_HOME/diagnostics/logs/install. This log shows the results of checks that EPM System Installer performs. Most of these checks are to ensure that you have the correct assemblies. For example, if you are installing Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System components on 32-bit machine, EPM System Installer checks whether you have 32-bit assemblies.

EPM System Installer Files on Client Machines

Issue: Copying EPM System Installer files to each client machine is impractical because of their size.

Solution: Oracle recommends that you download EPM System Installer files to a shared drive. If you are installing from a network drive, map that drive. For information about the files you must download, see Chapter 3, "Downloading Files for Installation," in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide.

Oracle HTTP Server

You can install Oracle HTTP Server with Oracle Hyperion Foundation Services. Before installing Oracle HTTP Server, ensure that you meet the prerequisites for Oracle HTTP Server. Refer to these documents for details:

For information about Oracle HTTP Server installation issues and workarounds, see the readme platform:

For information about EPM System logs with information about Oracle HTTP Server, see Using EPM System Logs. in this guide.

For additional information, see the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Readme and the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide.

Oracle HTTP Server Installation

Issue: Oracle HTTP Server installation fails with EPM System Installer, and the EPM System configuration check generates error messages.

Solution: Check these log files for information about the cause of the failure, including patches that may be required:

Windows—Files in EPM_ORACLE_HOME/diagnostics/logs/ohs


You can also run the Oracle HTTP Server installer in GUI mode, outside EPM System Installer, using setup.exe (Windows) or runInstaller from EPM_ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin. Specify MIDDLEWARE_HOME/ohs as the target installation folder, and accept the defaults for all other settings.

See also Using EPM System Logs.

Proxy Servlet

EPM System uses a proxy servlet if no other web server is specified. Messages regarding the proxy servlet are in MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/domains/EPMSystem/servers/managed_server_name/logs/ProxyFilter.log.

Product Selection Panel

Issue: A product is unavailable on the Product Selection panel, which can occur for these reasons:

  • Partial installation of the product

  • Assemblies not downloaded

  • Assemblies placed in the wrong location

  • Assemblies renamed

  • Assembly not available for your platform

Solution: Ensure that the assemblies are in the correct locations. See "Downloading Files for Installation" in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide.

EPM System Installer Startup

Issue: The command prompt window flashes, and the installer does not start.

Solution: Check for these conditions and correct any that you find:

  • The assembly folder has a 0-byte dat file or no dat file, because the assembly download failed. Take these steps:

    • Download the assembly again.

    • Ensure that there are no spaces in the path to EPM System Installer.

  • The assembly folder was renamed or did not extract correctly, so that EPM System Installer does not recognize it. Take these steps:

    • Check the assembly folder name.

    • If the assembly folder name is correct, reextract the assembly folder.


      When using WinZip to extract files from a downloaded assembly folder, clear the "Use folder names" option. If the "Use folder names" option is selected, the assemblies are extracted incorrectly, and you may be unable to launch EPM System Installer.

  • The JRE or Help folders are missing because the extraction failed. Reextract the folders.

EPM System Installer Freeze

Issue: When an installation is nearly complete, EPM System Installer stops, and this error message is displayed: Could not utilize start class com.installshield.wizard.Wizard.


  • Check the available space on the computer, and free more space if necessary. Installations can fail without warning if the available space is insufficient.

  • If the available space is sufficient for the installation, no other error message is displayed on the summary panel, and the installation does not resume within 5 minutes, stop the installation and run the createInventory script in EPM_ORACLE_HOME/OPatch.

Welcome Panel Issue

Issue: A warning message about an unsupported platform, not enough memory, or resolving a host name is displayed. EPM System Installer checks whether your system has a supported operating system and meets minimum memory requirements, and it attempts to run the installation and attempts to discover the computer host name.

Solution: If you receive a memory warning of an unsupported platform, your installation could have problems. If the machine host name resolves to an IP address, you receive a warning. Oracle recommends that you resolve the DNS lookup issue before proceeding. If you do not, rebooting the machine can cause your machine to resolve the host to a different IP address, probably breaking your previously working installation.


Issue: You experience problems installing EPM System products after uninstalling them.


Windows—Follow these steps to clean up your machine:

  1. Stop all services.

  2. Uninstall from the Windows Add and Remove Programs option.

  3. In C:/Documents and Settings/install_user/, delete .oracle.instances.

  4. Rename program files/common files/installshield/universal/common to program files/common files/installshield/universal/common_hyperion.

  5. Restart the system.

Installation Error During Oracle Database Installation

Issue: During installation with EPM System Installer, during Oracle Database installation, you receive error ORA-12638.


EPM System Installer requires that the user performing the deployment be a member of the Administrators group on the server. For future deployments, make the user a member of the Administrators group. If you are in the middle of the deployment, you can work around the error and proceed with the deployment by performing the following steps:

  1. Click Abort.

  2. Open EPM_ORACLE_HOME/OracleDB/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/NETWORK/ADMIN/sqlnet.ora in a text editor.

  3. Change line the following line:



  4. Click Retry.