Upgrading and Updating Tips and Troubleshooting

Errors after performing an in-place update from 11.2.6 to 11.2.8

Issue: In the EPM System Release 11.2.8, after performing an in-place update from 11.2.6 to 11.2.8, Active Directory configured in SSL mode fails with the error message EPMCSS-05138:Failed to validate Security configuration. Failed to connect. Invalid values for host or port. Enter a valid value(s). The following error message is also found in the SharedServices_Security.log file:

[SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.css.spi.util.jndi.GenericJNDIHelper] [SRC_METHOD: getLookUpContext] THROW[[EPMCSS-05811: Failed to validate directory configuration.MSADSSL Error connecting to host. RootCause : simple bind failed: <AD host name>:636. Verify LDAP user directory configuration.
Nested Exception:javax.naming.CommunicationException: simple bind failed: <AD host name>:636 [Root exception is javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target]

The above scenario indicates that SSL handshake is failing between FoundationServices0 and Active Directory and is unable to discover the Active Directory certificate, even though it is deployed under below location as per the document.


However in 11.2.8 FoundationServices0, java.home is referring to the location below, therefore the certificate cannot be processed, and an SSLHandshakeException is displayed:



  1. Import Active Directory SSL Certificate in the following locations:
    1. keytool -import -alias ******** -keystore <ORACLE_MIDDLEWARE>\jdk\java\lib\security\cacerts -trustcacerts -storepass password -file <ORACLE_MIDDLEWARE>\jdk\java\lib\security\******.crt


      Starting from Release 11.2.8, this is not applicable since <ORACLE_MIDDLEWARE>\jdk\java folder is not available anymore.
    2. keytool -import -alias ******** -keystore <ORACLE_MIDDLEWARE>\jdk\jre\lib\security\cacerts -trustcacerts -storepass password -file <ORACLE_MIDDLEWARE>\jdk\jre\lib\security\security\******.crt
  2. Repeat the above steps across all EPM deployments.
  3. Restart all the EPM Servers.

Installation Tasks Fail for Apply Update or Reinstall

Issue: All installation tasks fail for Apply Update or Reinstall.

The InstallShield operations are failing. The InstallShield VPD registry might be corrupted, and you might see this error:

ERROR: ismpEngine-install-stderr.log,com.installshield.database.EmptyResultException: Empty result [SELECT Publicly_SharedFROM Installed_Software_ObjectWHERE Installed_Software_Object_Id=? ]at com.installshield.database.SQLProcessor.queryBoolean(Unknown Source)


  1. Rename the folder Middleware_Home\EPMSystem11R1\_vpddb, for example to Middleware_Home\EPMSystem11R1\_vpddb_backup.
  2. Re-run Apply Update or Reinstall.

The VPD registry will be regenerated.

Oracle HTTP Server Installation During Update on Linux

Issue: Oracle HTTP Server doesn't install during update on Linux.

Solution: If you receive an error during installation of Oracle HTTP Server while updating on Linux, check Inventory.xml and Comp.xml in \ContentsXML in the inventory folder to make sure that there are no symbolic links in the file. If there are, replace them with the physical address.

FDMEE Upgrade

Issue: When running the FDMEE upgrade scripts, you may encounter the following error:

aif_migrate.dtsx for MS SQL or aif_import.par for Oracle

Solution: Check your system and make sure your source system FDMEE is patched to Release 220. That patch had a lot of changes to the repository that must be applied before upgrading to Release 11.2, especially if you see a lot of errors about the length of columns.

Errors When Upgrading Financial Close Management or Tax Governance to Release 11.2

Issue: While importing the Release schema to the Release 11.2 schema, you receive this error:

ORA-39083: Object type INDEX_STATISTICS failed to create with error: 
ORA-01403: no data found 
ORA-01403: no data found 
Failing sql is: 
"SYS"."IMPDP_STATS"; SELECT index_name, index_owner INTO IND_NAME, IND_OWNER 
FROM (SELECT UNIQUE sgc1.index_name, sgc1.index_owner, 
COUNT(*) mycount 
FROM sys.ku$_find_sgc_view sgc1, 
TABLE (sgc1.col_list) myc

Solution: You can ignore this error.

Problem Starting Financial Close Management or Tax Governance Servers After Upgrading to Release 11.2

Issue: If you're having trouble starting servers after upgrading to Release 11.2, you might have a domain name difference issue.

Solution: Modify the tables named WL_LLR_FINANCIALCLOSE0 column REDCORDSTR from <Old_Domain>//FinancialClose0 to EPMSystem//FinancialClose0 (which is the default name). The same change is needed in WL_LLR_TAXMANAGEMENT0. Both environments Source and Target should be identical, even the domain names. If environments are identical, you won’t run into this issue.