Using Essbase 21c with Planning Applications

Registry changes

After Installing and Configuring Essbase 21c, follow these steps to update the Registry:

  1. At the command prompt, change the directory to EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/epmsystem1/bin.
  2. Run the following commands to update the Analytic Provider Services (APS) registry values:
    1. Update Essbase Provider Services Logical Web App [LOGICAL_WEB_APP]- host , port and version to point to Essbase 21c Analytic Provider Services (APS) host/port/version:
      epmsys_registry.bat/.sh updateproperty "#<Object ID>/@port" 1234
      epmsys_registry.bat/.sh updateproperty "#<Object ID>/@host" hostName 
      epmsys_registry.bat/.sh updateproperty "#<Object ID>/@localhost_name" hostName
      epmsys_registry.bat/.sh updateproperty "#<Object ID>/@displayVersion"
      Ensure that you replace "<Object ID>" with the Analytic Provider Services (APS) web application LOGICAL_WEB_APP component ID, which is available in the Registry Report that is generated after you complete the Essbase configuration.


      Analytic Provider Services (APS) Logical Web App is LOGICAL_WEB_APP component with property webAppType as PROVIDER_SERVICES_WEB_APP.
    2. Update Essbase Provider Services Web App [PROVIDER_SERVICES_WEB_APP]- port in EPM Registry to point to Essbase 21c Analytic Provider Services (APS) port. Enter the following command in one line to update the EPM Registry:
      epmsys_registry.bat/.sh updateproperty "#<Object ID>/@port" 1234
    Ensure that you replace "<Object ID>" with the Analytic Provider Services (APS) web application PROVIDER_SERVICES_WEB_APP component ID, which is available in the Registry Report that is generated after you complete the Essbase configuration.

Running the Planning applications with Essbase 21c

  1. Stop all the EPM System services.
  2. Follow these steps for Oracle Hyperion Planning applications to work with Essbase 21c:
    1. Rename EPM_ORACLE_HOME/Planning/lib64 folder to lib64_PS4.
    2. Rename EPM_ORACLE_HOME/Planning/lib64_21c to lib64.
  3. Copy the Essbase 21c RTC files to all EPM Servers:
    1. Rename /common/EssbaseRTC-64/ folder to
    2. Create folder at the same location i.e. under common/EssbaseRTC-64 folder.
    3. Copy the contents of EssbaseRTC-64 from Essbase server from /scratch/hitqe/ESB214/essbase/clients/Essbase/ to the folder created in Step 2b, for example, /scratch/hitqe/Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/common/EssbaseRTC-64/
    4. In Step 2c, while copying contents of RTC, the following files were copied:
      • /ESB214/essbase/clients/Essbase/EssbaseRTC/*
      • /ESB214/essbase/clients/Essbase/api
      where ESB214 is the install folder for Essbase 21.4.2
  4. Copy the following four libraries from Essbase 21c server /ESB214/lib to Planning server EPMSystem11R1/lib:


    This step is required only for Linux environment. It is not applicable for Windows environment.
  5. Restart all the services.