About Flat File Properties

Table 3-1 describes the format of each property in a dimension flat file. For an example of a flat file, see Flat File Sample.

You can include the Essbase Member Solve Order property for a member, but you must add it to the first line of the flat files to show its position.


The dimension name is given in the first row after any comment rows.

Table 3-1 Properties Defined in a Dimension Flat File

Property Name Property Type Dimension Types Default Value Description

Dimension Type




Identifies the dimension type. Valid examples are: Account, Period, Year, Version, Scenario, POV1, POV2, POV3, POV4, Dimension, Attribute, Rule. If there is no property name from this list the default will be "Generic". This position represents the Dimension Name (if Gen1 row) or Member Name. POV orders are as follows: Year/POV1 = 1, Period/POV2 = 2, Scenario/POV3 = 3, Version/POV4 = 4

Storage Type


Generic, Account, Entity, POV


Sparse and Dense

Dimension Name (as Attribute)

Dimension, Member



When you provide an Attribute Dimension Name in the header, that position represents an associated attribute dimension for the dimension being loaded. Any String in that position is treated as an "attribute member". For example, suppose you specify "My Attribute Dimension" in the header. In the data rows of that file, a String in the same position is assumed to be a member of that attribute dimension. So, you could specify "My Attribute Member1" on the data row for "All Products" and the loader would assign that member to "All Products" as an attribute association.


Dimension, Member

Generic, Account, Entity, Country, POV



Hierarchy Type

Dimension, Member

Generic, Account, Entity, Country, POV


Enabled, Stored, Dynamic, Disabled

BSO Data Storage

Dimension, Member

Generic, Account, Entity, Country, POV

Never Share

Label Only, Store, Never Share, Shared, Dynamic Calc And Store, Dynamic Calc

ASO Data Storage

Dimension, Member

Generic, Account, Entity, Country, POV

Never Share

Label Only, Store, Never Share, Shared

Two Pass Calculation

Dimension, Member

Generic, Account, Entity, Country, POV


True or False are acceptable values (N or Y).

ASO Dimension Formula

Dimension, Member

Generic, Account, Entity, Country, POV



Member Solve Order


Generic, Account, Entity, Country


In Oracle Essbase, the solve order number determines the order by which members are evaluated in the dimension. You can enter a number between 1 and 127. The member with the highest solve order number is evaluated first (for example, a formula with a solve order of 20 is evaluated before a formula with a solve order number of 5).

Members with the same solve order number are evaluated in the order in which their dimensions appear in the database outline. Members with no solve order number are evaluated after all members with solve order numbers.

Consolidation Type


Generic, Account, Entity, Country

Not Used

Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Percent, Ignore, Not Used


Dimension, Member

Generic, Account, Entity, Country


Single text value or a list of text values (enclosed by comma). When Dimension, the value is a Dimension Name of Type = UDA. When Member, it is a Member of the specified UDA dimension. For example:




Generic, Account, Entity, Country, POV, Attribute


Identifies the parent member name. If null it means the member is Generation 2. Order matters; a referenced parent must be defined previously.

Alias:Alias table

Dimension, Member



Examples: "Alias: Default", "Alias: T1"


Dimension, Member



Optional – no default.