Displaying the Profitability Applications Console

You can open the Profitability Applications console from Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace.

To open and view the Profitability Applications Console:

  1. From EPM Workspace, select Navigate, then Administer, and then Profitability Applications.

    The Profitability Applications Console is displayed, showing the Applications (Applications tab icon) and Job Library (Job Library tab icon) tabs. The Profitability Applications Console lists any existing applications, their type, whether they were deployed from a Master Cube or a File, and whether they are enabled.


    Click Overview button to view summary information for an existing application. Click Dimensions button to view dimensions included in the selected application.

    Figure 3-1 Profitability Applications Console, Applications Tab

    The Profitability Applications Console has an Actions button and a Refresh button.
  2. Select Actions to perform a variety of operations on the selected application or create a new application.
  3. Click Refresh to update the current tab.


It can take several seconds to open the Profitability Applications Console, especially after restarting the Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management service. With the Chrome and Edge Chromium browsers, this can result in a pop-up message that the pages are not responding, with an option to wait or to exit the pages. This message can be ignored – the pages will eventually open as expected.