Management Ledger Rule Dimension

The Rule dimension contains definitions of calculation rules for Management Ledger applications.

Figure 5-2 shows the outline of the Rule dimension in the Oracle Essbase console. This is an illustration of the Calculation Rules members.

Figure 5-2 The Management Ledger Rule Dimension Outline

By default, Calculation Rules has a NoRule member and 1000 rules, R000x, where x is a number from 1 to 1000.


For Releases 11.2.15 or later, ensure that you use the Essbase 21c Web Console Outline Screen.

Users can delete and add rules to Calculation Rules, but the only rule they can apply is NoRule. All the others are reserved for system use.

Figure 5-1 shows an additional member, Calculation Programs. This member is controlled by the system and is not editable by users.