Driver Priority Sequence

In some business models, a driver may use one or more calculated measures in the formula. Dependencies may require the allocations to be calculated in a controlled sequence. Priority sequence drivers enable you to define which allocations should be calculated first.

For example, by setting the driver priority, you ensure that Source A using Driver A is calculated before Source A using Driver B.

When defining the driver, enter the Sequence Priority on the Define Drivers dialog box. The source associated with drivers that have a lower priority are resolved before a source associated with a driver that has a higher priority. The default value is set to 100, but this value can be changed. The highest priority is 1. The sequence priority must be entered as a positive integer. Sources associated with drivers that have the same sequence priority are processed in no defined order.

If you change the sequence priority for a driver, you are potentially changing the calculation order, so you should recalculate the model.