Generating the Driver Data Report

The Data Driver report documents, confirms, and updates the driver data entered into the model.

In order to generate the Driver Data report, the database must be deployed, and data loaded, although the data load is optional

You must run separate reports for cost and revenue data. If corrections are required, you may change the model structure in Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management, or directly edit the data in Oracle Essbase, or Microsoft Excel.

A log file is automatically generated when the Driver Data Report is run to record any errors and warnings. The file, validationReport.txt, is saved in the home directory of the user who is running the Profitability and Cost Management application server.

To generate Driver Data reports:

  1. Before generating the report, ensure these applications and services are running:
    • Oracle Hyperion Provider Services

    • Oracle Hyperion Shared Services

    • Essbase


    In order to generate the report, the database must be deployed, and data loaded, but not calculated. In order to generate the Driver Data report, the database must be deployed, and the data should be loaded, although the data load is optional.

  2. In an open model, from Task Areas, select Validate, then Driver Data Report.

    The Driver Data Report screen is displayed.

    Use the Driver Data Report to select the criteria and generate the Driver Data Report.
  3. Select a POV for the selected model, and then click Go Go icon.
  4. From Layer, select either the cost or revenue layer.
  5. From Source Stage, select a source stage for the report.
  6. From Destination Stage, select a destination stage for the report.
  7. From Driver, select the driver for which you want to validate data.

    If required, click Selector Selector Button and choose the driver from the Select Driver dialog box.

  8. Optional: Select Only missing data to report only those allocations that have missing or incomplete driver data.


    If you do not select this option, all allocations are generated for the report.

  9. Select the type of assignments you want to include in the report:
    • Assignment Rules

    • Regular Assignments

  10. Click Generate to generate the selected report.

    The Generate button is unavailable while the report is being generated. When the report is complete, a confirmation message is displayed. The path to the report location in which the validationReport.txt file is posted, and its approximate file size are identified.

  11. Click OK to dismiss the message.
  12. Navigate to the validationReport.txt file, and review the report.

    Sample of the Driver Data Report, showing period separated results.
  13. Edit the generated report to resolve any missing or incomplete data.

    You can edit the report directly in its text format, and import the results into Essbase.

    Also, you can paste the data into Microsoft Excel, edit it, and return the driver data back to the report file, and then import it to Essbase.

  14. Optional: To print the report, select File, and then Print from the text file menu.