Management Ledger Custom Calculation Rule Formula Syntax

The syntax, or format, for custom calculation rules is summarized as follows:

  • The basic formula format is Result = Target.

  • The left side of the equation is the Result, the member to which the result is written. It is only a single Level 0 member in the following format:


  • The right side of the equation is the Target. It includes the other members, tuples, or constants at any level and the mathematical expression to perform.

    The Target is an MDX numeric value expression, where MDX is a joint specification of the XML for Analysis founding members. For more information about allowable MDX syntax, see the Oracle Essbase Technical Reference.

  • Each member or tuple is surrounded by </ /> special characters. If the tuple or member does not contain a Rule dimension member, the top of the Rule dimension will be considered a member of Target. All results are written to the Result member intersection with the new Rule member for the custom calculation rule being defined. For formula requirements, see Custom Calculation Rule Formula Validation Requirements

  • Custom calculation rules support the following syntax formats for member names:

    • No qualification: Only the member name is provided.

      Example: </MemberName/>

    • Partial qualification: Dimension name + member name.

      Example: </Dimension.MemberName/>

    • Full qualification: The fully qualified name (FQN) for the member.

      Example: </Dimension.[Gen2].[Gen3.]Gen4]...[MemberName]/>


The following are examples of different kinds of expressions:

  • A constant:

    </Adjustment In/> = 100

  • A single member:

    </Adjustment In/> = </Input/> * 0.15

  • A tuple:

    </Adjustment In/> = </Input,2013,Budget/> * 1.15

  • Multiple tuples in a calculation:

    </Adjustment In/>=</Input,Total Year,Budget/>*(</Input,2013,Jan,Budget/>/</Input,2013,Total Year,Budget/>)