Model Structure Validation Rules

The model is verified against a set of model validation rules to ensure the structure is sound before adding data.

The structure validation checks to ensure these conditions are met:

  • Each assignment of destinations to a source member has a driver

  • Inbound assignments are associated with an outbound assignment

  • No drivers are unused.

  • Reciprocal assignments work correctly.

  • Intrastage assignments work correctly.

  • Assignment rules are correct.

Any structural error must be resolved before you can calculate the model. Correct any structural errors, and submit the stage for validation again. You may need to correct errors and revalidate several times. The only exception is the "No drivers are unused" warning, which can exist while still enabling the calculations to be successfully performed with unused drivers in the model.


Sometimes correcting one error may cause another problem, so it is useful to revalidate the model stage after each correction.