Unassigned Values

Costs and revenue within a model should be assigned to a specific activity or account; however, some costs or revenue may remain unassigned at any stage of the model.

These values are reported as unassigned cost or revenue.

There are two types of unassigned values:

Depending on how a model is created, these unassigned values may be expected and acceptable, or they may represent an error in allocation that needs to be corrected.


If certain costs or revenue are logically stopped before the end of the model flow, Oracle recommends that you create a specific area of the dimension hierarchy to accept the unassigned values. When the model is validated, this modeling method helps distinguish between expected unassigned values and allocation errors require correction.

During validation, unassigned costs and revenue are flagged. All aggregated unassigned values for a stage and intersection are reported in the UnassignedCost or UnassignedRevenue members in the Measures dimension. Review unassigned values to determine whether they need to be allocated.